
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

20+ People share the food that they hate with a burning passion and could do without

20+ People share the food that they hate with a burning passion and could do without

‘Eliminate toxic friends’: 20+ blunt pieces of advice to avoid regrets in your 30s and 40s

‘Eliminate toxic friends’: 20+ blunt pieces of advice to avoid regrets in your 30s and 40s

Top 20+ 'Screw You' Gifts for Passive Aggressive Gift Givers Everywhere

Top 20+ 'Screw You' Gifts for Passive Aggressive Gift Givers Everywhere

'Guacamole, runny eggs, sushi - all dumpster food': 30 jaw-dropping, controversial food opinions

'Guacamole, runny eggs, sushi - all dumpster food': 30 jaw-dropping, controversial food opinions

What was the best "you have no power here" moment you have ever seen?

'I reported him to the school admin, he's now banned from the property': These people got to say, 'You have no power here'

antiwork offices working from home askreddit Office workplace Reddit employment - 1887239

Workers discuss the reasons they like working from the office versus working from home

What's the smallest hill you're willing to die on?

20+ People share their tiniest but strongest-held opinions

The 20 Worst Songs to Play at a Funeral

The 20 Worst Songs to Play at a Funeral

'Somebody emptied the used deep fryer oil into a plastic bucket': 40+ People who made the worst possible mistakes at their job

'Somebody emptied the used deep fryer oil into a plastic bucket': 40+ People who made the worst possible mistakes at their job

What baby name immediately makes you lose all respect for the parents and why?

'I've met a baby named Felonee and that takes the cake': 20+ Cringeworthy Baby Names

Stupid Fails: 20+ idiotic things people genuinely believed once upon a time

Stupid Fails: 20+ idiotic things people genuinely believed once upon a time

'People always ask why I'm dating you because of how you look': 20 Red Flags people wish they didn't ignore

'People always ask why I'm dating you because of how you look': 20 Red Flags people wish they didn't ignore

boyfriend askreddit relationships girlfriend exes breakup reddit thread Reddit dumped couple - 18503941

'Her mood ring changed colors': 20+ people share the worst reasons why they were dumped

School of FAIL: People Share the Things They Learned at School That Were Completely False

School of FAIL: People Share the Things They Learned at School That Were Completely False

movies, tv shows, reddit, askreddit

Reddit users share what movies and TV shows are REALLY messing up

What are subtle red flags at a job interview that say "working here would suck"?

'You'll be wearing many hats': 20+ Job Interview Red Flags You Might Be Missing