
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

arm tattoos leg tattoos askreddit tattoos back tattoos Ugliest Tattoos reddit thread tattoo-reddit - 21543685

'You're so beautiful, why would you do this to yourself?': Waitress deals with customers disgusted by her tattoos

'Quit the next day': 10+ dream jobs that weren't what they were cracked up to be

'Quit the next day': 10+ dream jobs that weren't what they were cracked up to be

barbie girl server Barbie coworkers askreddit workplace waitress Reddit toxic-work-environment - 21501957

'[I'm] being accused of stealing tables': Server nicknames her coworkers Barbie and Ken after her shifts are jeopardized

toxic-workplace Professional At Work work coworkers askreddit toxic-boss workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 21481733

'[In trouble for] NOT bringing homemade cookies [to work]': Man deals with CEO making ridiculous baking request

'My husband knows I'm on here': 20+ Reasons to Swipe Left on Dating Apps

'My husband knows I'm on here': 20+ Reasons to Swipe Left on Dating Apps

getting fired workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace Professional At Work work askreddit workplace Reddit - 21441285

'A glitch in the system that accidentally FIRES an employee feels outlandish': Man discovers he was fired, but never actually told

sue Legal Woes marriage legal askreddit sued divorce getting-sued reddit thread Reddit illegal - 21388549

'My wife was sued, I'm feeling resentment towards her': Man struggles to forgive his unhinged wife

landlord landlord-drama moving day askreddit rent paying rent moving Reddit moving out - 21345285

'Landlord is ignoring my notice to vacate': Woman deals with landlord who doesn't want to lose her

'A very obviously used candle': Top 20 Birthday Gift Flops

'A very obviously used candle': Top 20 Birthday Gift Flops

'GM [threw] his keys in the deep fryer': 10+ work stories where coworkers completely lost it

'GM [threw] his keys in the deep fryer': 10+ work stories where coworkers completely lost it

'It’s not me, it’s you': 20 regrettable things people said during breakups

'It’s not me, it’s you': 20 regrettable things people said during breakups

20+ Irresponsible Financial Decisions Broke Folks Made

20+ Irresponsible Financial Decisions Broke Folks Made

FAILS humor list face palm askreddit stupid people comedy dumb Reddit funny stupid - 21170181

'I don't have an e-mail, I have a gmail': Top 20 foolish things people said with 100% conviction

'Microwaving old fish meals': 20+ annoying coworkers and their strange habits

'Microwaving old fish meals': 20+ annoying coworkers and their strange habits

'Noped out after two hours': 20 stories where folks quit their jobs as soon as possible

'Noped out after two hours': 20 stories where folks quit their jobs as soon as possible

'I burped in my manager's face': 20 embarrassing things people did in front of their bosses and crushes

'I burped in my manager's face': 20 embarrassing things people did in front of their bosses and crushes