
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

'Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men': 30+ People who ended up in embarrassing situations

'Dropped a tray of 6 root beers on 6 business men': 30+ People who tripped, bumbled, and flailed into embarrassing situations

'She needs CONSTANT validation': 20+ people confess the real reasons why their single friend is still single

'She needs CONSTANT validation': 20+ people confess the real reasons why their single friend is still single

'Three-day suspension if anyone sang Gwen Stefani's "Sweet Escape"': 30+ Rules that schools and workplaces insisted on

'Three-day suspension if anyone sang Gwen Stefani's "Sweet Escape"': 30+ Foolish rules that schools and workplaces insisted on

'Your parents are literally the worst part of my job': 20+ teachers share the one thing they wish they could tell their students

'Your parents are literally the worst part of my job': 20+ teachers share the one thing they wish they could tell their students

'"Do you have a large pizza, but in smaller sizes?': 35+ Things people overheard that left them laughing out loud

'Do you have a large pizza, but in smaller sizes?': 35+ Ridiculous things people overheard that left them laughing out loud

'Can I just... "accidentally" knock the cake over?': 20+ ways to ruin a wedding

'Can I just... "accidentally" knock the cake over?': 20+ ways to ruin a wedding

'i am turning into my mother and it terrifies me': 20+ signs that you've become your parents

'I am turning into my mother and it terrifies me': 20+ signs that you've become your parents

'Who you are on graduation day is absolutely not who you will become': 10+ cringeworthy high school reunion stories

'Who you are on graduation day is absolutely not who you will become': 10+ cringeworthy high school reunion stories

'One guy [complained] that his coworker was mimicking his get up [...] said that it's identity theft': 20+ ridiculous complaints as told by HR

'One guy [complained] that his coworker was mimicking his get up [...] said that it's identity theft': 20+ ridiculous complaints as told by HR

'My coworker named her baby Strawberry Rain': 20+ cringeworthy baby names

'My coworker named her baby Strawberry Rain': 20+ cringeworthy baby names

'I get a big bed to myself': 20+ perks of being single

'I get a big bed to myself': 20+ perks of being single

'We see EVERYTHING': 20+ bosses share what they see when their employees think no one's looking

'We see EVERYTHING': 20+ bosses share what they see when their employees think no one's looking

'Take all of their right shoes. Leave only the left shoes': 20 ways people got back at their cheating exes

'Take all of their right shoes. Leave only the left shoes': 20 ways people got back at their cheating exes

'It was a glorified gymnasium with corn stapled to the walls': 30+ Tourist traps that these travellers would rate one star

'It was a glorified gymnasium with corn stapled to the walls': 30+ Terrible tourist traps that these travellers would rate one star

'My classmates knew me as the sleeper': 20+ people confess what they were most known for in high school

'My classmates knew me as the sleeper': 20+ people confess what they were most known for in high school

'For a winter play... I offered to do the worm across the stage ': 25+ Moments of cringe that keep people awake late at night

'For a winter play... I offered to do the worm across the stage ': 25+ Moments of cringe that keep people awake late at night