
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

'She wanted to pay cash over the phone': 20+ Senseless souls who left the people around them speechless

'She wanted to pay cash over the phone': 20+ Senseless souls who left the people around them speechless

opinion ask reddit funny stories kids askreddit funny parents children opinions - 24941317

'I didn't cut [my hair]. It fell out': 20+ Times kids were hilarious little troublemakers

'The meanest girls I know are all nurses': 20+ occupations that attract the worst people

'The meanest girls I know are all nurses': 20+ occupations that attract the worst people

'Breaking lots of things while juggling': 15+ Magic tricks that went wrong

'Breaking lots of things while juggling': 10+ Magic tricks that went hilariously wrong

'We're not friends anymore': 25+ Horrible house guests who will never be invited back

'We're not friends anymore': 25+ Horrible house guests who will never be invited back

25+ signs that couples are going to break up: 'Couples who post about how much they love each other on social media -[always] break up'

25+ signs that couples are going to break up: 'Couples who post about how much they love each other on social media [always] break up'

'The disappointment was palpable in the entire stadium': 20+ Concertgoers tell all about the worst shows they've ever attended

'The disappointment was palpable in the entire stadium': 20+ Concertgoers tell all about the worst shows they've ever attended

15+ Top 'I Told You So' Moments: 'I told my ex-wife's new husband she's a cheater [...] Forward 5 years, they're divorced'

15+ Top 'I Told You So' Moments: 'I told my ex-wife's new husband she's a cheater [...] Forward 5 years, they're divorced'

'I took a video of me dancing on his desk': 20+ Hilarious quitting stories

'I took a video of me dancing on his desk': 20+ Hilarious quitting stories

'Invest in DVDs': 30+ Pieces of bad advice

'Invest in DVDs': 30+ Pieces of bad advice

'Poor Miss Uptight': Guy pranks coworker, gets roasted in the comments

'Poor Miss Uptight': Guy pranks coworker, gets roasted in the comments

'I worked at a pizza place and I got a complaint that we delivered sushi': 20+ fast food workers share their worst customer service experiences

'I worked at a pizza place and I got a complaint that we delivered sushi': 20+ fast food workers share their worst customer service experiences

opinion ask reddit marriage that awkward moment funny stories awkward moments Awkward wife askreddit husband wedding couples wedding cake funny couple opinions - 24736261

'She invited all of her previous husbands because she enjoys drama': 15+ Wedding guests tell the funniest and most awkward wedding-day dramas they've ever witnessed

'This is going on your permanent record': 20+ lies kids were told by their parents and teachers

'This is going on your permanent record': 20+ lies kids were told by their parents and teachers

'When I moved out they billed me $1500 for breach of contract': Tenants share their landlord horror stories

'When I moved out they billed me $1500 for breach of contract': Tenants share their landlord horror stories

'We now have a family rule that my mom can't blog about anyone else': 20+ Social media oversharers who need to be unfriended

'We now have a family rule that my mom can't blog about anyone else': 20+ Social media oversharers who need to be unfriended