
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

boss employee the office coworkers askreddit ridiculous - 6448133

24 Employees Share The Most Comically Ridiculous Things Their Bosses Have Done

people cheating the system

20 Of The Best Examples Of Clever People Cheating The System

workplace drama stories

19 People Reveal Their Juiciest Workplace Dramas

people reveal the worst things they've done

17 Shameless Scumbags Share The Worst Things They've Ever Done

moving in together

21 Dealbreakers People Didn't Know About Their SO's Until Moving In Together

stupid reasons to get dumped

10 Of The Most Brutal Ways People's SO's Dumped Them

excuse cringe askreddit relationships ridiculous dating - 6377989

21 Lamest Excuses People's Exes Have Given Them When Getting Caught

People share the worst restaurant experiences they have ever had.

31 People Share The Worst Restaurant Experiences They've Ever Had

little known history

10 Crazy Pieces of History That You Probably Didn't Know About

skills you want in a partner

21 People Share Most Desirable Skills In Potential Partners

wtf cringe freakout askreddit teacher ridiculous - 6356229

19 People Share The Craziest Things Their Teachers Have Done

funny coworker stories

24 People Share Their Nightmare Coworker Stories

job work cringe askreddit ridiculous funny - 6344709

12 Hiring Managers Share Their Most Bizarre Interview Experiences

strange things people have said during sleep

48 People Share The Craziest Sh*t Their SO's Have Said While Sleeping

noticing attractive things about people

16 Things That Made People Attracted To Someone They Never Noticed Before

people opposing marriages during wedding ceremonies

9 People Who Didn't Forever Hold Their Peace In Weddings Share Their Reasons Why