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Redditors spill the beans on the most hilarious hasty transitions from employment to unemployment

Redditors spill the beans on the most hilarious hasty transitions from employment to unemployment

Photographer sabotages wedding photos after harsh family criticism, ruining precious memories

Photographer sabotages wedding photos after harsh family criticism, ruining precious memories

opinion ask reddit karens funny stories finance friends askreddit wealthy entitled family out of touch funny money karen opinions - 35704837

'How am I supposed to live on $300,000 a year?': 20+ Out of touch people who were totally oblivious to their privileged life

ask reddit family drama marriage wedding party wedding drama wedding fail family feud wedding family weddings - 35689221

30+ Stunned wedding guests share the worst weddings they've ever attended: 'What's the worse wedding you’ve been to and what happened?'

'Someone put a chicken in Jello': 25+ Potluck dinners gone wrong

'Someone put a chicken in Jello': 25+ Potluck dinners gone wrong

'He wasn't happy, but the rest of us were laughing so hard': 20+ Moments of hilarity when people couldn't contain their laughter

'He wasn't happy, but the rest of us were laughing so hard': 20+ Moments of hilarity when people couldn't contain their laughter

'[He] liked to dip his hands into the sugar... the sugar bandit': 20+ Awful employees who made their boss's lives a nightmare

'He left sugar fingerprints on everything...the sugar bandit': 20+ Awful employees who made their boss's lives a nightmare

customer service ask reddit karens entitled parents karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 35670533

30+ People share the biggest public tantrums they've witnessed from adults: 'She actually stamped her foot and said we had ruined her Christmas'

'I had a couple fight over a Settlers of Catan scorecard': 20+ Lawyers who fought over the pettiest items imaginable in divorce court

'I had a couple fight over a Settlers of Catan scorecard': 20+ Lawyers who fought over the pettiest items imaginable in divorce court

'Your input has been duly noted...': Employee’s frustration boils over amidst the shackles of workplace political correctness

'Your input has been duly noted...': Employee’s frustration boils over amidst the shackles of workplace political correctness

ask reddit tech support talesfromtechsupport technical difficulties technology it askreddit IT guy Tech - 35576069

20+ IT workers share the strangest thing and most incompetent technological blunders they've witnessed at work: 'An outgoing software dev put an easter egg in our ERP before he left...'

'Then a chicken walks out of the back room': 15 Home installation workers share the craziest things they've peeked at in stranger's homes

'Then a chicken walks out of the back room': 15 Home installation workers share the craziest things they've peeked at in stranger's homes

'They told us we couldn't use hoses in our backyard': 20+ HOA rules that were petty and useless

'They told us we couldn't use hoses in our backyard': 20+ HOA rules that were petty and useless

‘Please leave!’: Employee flees to new city to escape former boss only to be met by an unexpected visit at new workplace

‘Please leave!’: Employee flees to new city to escape former boss only to be met by an unexpected visit at new workplace

'It was amazing, still the best work email I’ve ever received': 20+ Rage-quitters who left their jobs on the spot

'It was amazing, still the best work email I’ve ever received': 20+ Rage-quitters who left their jobs on the spot

'Is that real fire?': Renaissance fair workers reveal the funniest things guests have ever said to them

'Is that real fire?': Renaissance fair workers reveal the funniest things guests have ever said to them