ask reddit

'I very sternly requested that they arrest my mother': 20+ Kids who called 911 for the silliest reasons

'I very sternly requested that they arrest my mother': 20+ Kids who called 911 for the silliest reasons

'On Mondays, I would show up to work on and not do anything': 20+ Workers who couldn't stay professional on the job

'On Mondays, I would show up to work on and not do anything': 20+ Workers who couldn't stay professional on the job

'Did we mention we've got bedbugs?':15+ Homes that people will never visit a second time

'Did we mention we've got bedbugs?': 15+ Homes that people will never visit a second time

'I can’t hear out of my right eye': 30+ Odd moments people overheard and couldn't help but laugh at

'I can’t hear out of my right eye': 30+ Odd moments people overheard and couldn't help but laugh at

'Dracula voices at [the] drive thru': 20+ People who got fired from their jobs

'Dracula voices at [the] drive thru': 20+ People who got fired from their jobs

'A month later, there are googly eyes everywhere': 20+ Employees who had weird days at work

'A month later, there are googly eyes everywhere': 20+ Employees who had memorably weird days at work

opinion ask reddit boss workplace-stories jobs job funny stories bosses work coworkers askreddit workplace funny opinions - 36082693

'My boss... asked me if he could borrow $1000': 25+ Bosses who had ridiculous requests for their employees

'It was her raccoon... she left a bag of sugar out for it': 20+ Absurd people who became the "crazy neighbor"

'It was her raccoon... she left a bag of sugar out for it': 15+ Absurd people who became the "crazy neighbor"

'[Ex-husband] dug up all the plants in her garden and took them with him': 20+ Moments of extreme pettiness that people were very proud of

'[Ex-husband] dug up all the plants in her garden and took them with him': 25+ Moments of extreme pettiness that people were very proud of

'What, you don't like the competition?': 30+ Smarty pants who had the most clever comebacks

'I've heard all but good things about you': 30+ Smarty pants who had the most clever comebacks

'[She] thought it said "Strength." What it said was, "Simplified Chinese"': 25+ Regrettable tattoo choices

'[She] thought it said "Strength." What it said was, "Simplified Chinese"': 25+ Regrettable tattoo choices

'[She] asked why we can't drive to Hawaii': 35 People who are totally misinformed

'[She] asked why we can't drive to Hawaii': 35 People who are totally misinformed

'[She] showed up in pajamas and... though she wouldn't have to actually talk to people': 20+ Workers who got fired with haste after terrible first days on the job

'[She] showed up in pajamas and... thought she wouldn't have to actually talk to people': 20+ Workers who got fired with haste after terrible first days on the job

neighbor lies to HOA about woman's dogs disturbing the peace everyday, woman's clear evidence reveals it's the neighbor's 5 untrained rescue dogs

Neighbor accuses woman's dogs of barking constantly and contacts HOA, despite woman having ample evidence it's the neighbor's 5 rescue dogs: ‘Had it up to here’

'How many days do we have for a 45 day return?': 20+ Customer questions that were complete nonsense

'How many days do we have for a 45 day return?': 20+ Customer questions that were complete nonsense

'[He] changed his job title to Ninja Computer Wizard': 15 Odd circumstances that led employees to get fired

'[He] changed his job title to Ninja Computer Wizard': 15 Odd circumstances that led employees to get fired