
bosses decide not to run payroll over the holiday weekend… and didn’t warn us

'I did not get paid this weekend': Bosses chose to delay running payroll without notice over a Holiday weekend

'Only a few more mental breakdowns till Christmas': 20 back-to-work memes after the Holiday weekend

'Only a few more mental breakdowns till Christmas': 20 back-to-work memes after the Holiday weekend

My manager told us in a team meeting that our branch director asked that, from now on, every employee should eat lunch and spend lunch time in the lunch break room with everyone else. They have not made this mandatory, but it was basically implied that we need to comply to avoid being excluded from the team socially.

'We need to comply to avoid being excluded': Team leader implies required lunch break location to promote synergy and "cohesion"

Boss told me at the last minute about "mandatory" overtime that he made up because he was mad two of my co-workers called off that day. I missed one day that week, first day in almost a year

'Clock out and go home then': Boss demands mandatory made-up overtime, fires worker and her boyfriend when she refuses

'Let's normalize crying at workplace': Top Trending Crazy LinkedIn Posts From Insufferable Crazies

'Let's normalize crying at work': Top Trending Wild LinkedIn Posts From Insufferable Crazies

Scheduled a single employee to cover the store on Black Friday. | Cellular store leaves employee to work by themself on Black Friday, they quit and leave this note on the door

'The store is closed': Cellular store leaves employee to work by themself on Black Friday, they quit and leave this note on the door

This is how my husband’s GM speaks to him and the other managers..

'The incompetence MUST STOP!': GM writes insane email to management team

I would quit on the spot.

'If it does not stink, employee's name will be reported': Company institutes a smell check policy because of long bathroom breaks

Office Memes for the 3 Day Work Week

'Can I go home now?': Office Memes for the 3 Day Work Week

Fired after 7 years | Worker fired after attempting to give their two week's notice, former employer then reaches out to them again

Update: 'This morning I woke up to several texts': Company fires worker for giving two week's notice, then has the nerve to contact them asking for help

AITA “cheating” to get a promotion?

'People like this annoy me': Coworker accused of cheating by working crazy hours to get a promotion

Take my tips and pay me below minimum wage. See what happens!

'I believe it came out to a little under 100k': Company cheats delivery driver out of tips, has to backpay all former employees and pay fines

'Going to work so embarrassing, letting everybody know you need money': 20+ fresh work memes to share and commiserate

'Going to work so embarrassing, letting everybody know you need money': 20+ fresh work memes to share and commiserate

Places like this are the first ones to complain about nObOdY wAnTiNg tO wOrK

'Find your own replacement!': Ridiculous handwritten viral workplace posters and their stupid rules draw the ire of the internet

My Employer Was Sold. We were all laid off and told we could re-apply for our jobs. Nobody Applied.

'No one single person has re-applied for their old job': New owners lay off entire staff and force workers to reapply for their job, no one does

I’m a full time, salaried employee. I’m never late. Can my employer force me to make up 8 minutes of time? This seems petty.

'This seems petty': Horrible boss demands their salaried employee make up 8 minutes of lateness