
Overdramatic Memes and Fails For Those Who Overreact

Overdramatic Memes and Fails For Those Who Overreact

Coworker leaves this gem before quitting

'I wish y'all the best of luck with this bulls***': Coworker leaves iconic message before she quits

Attention: Bathroom breaks have been limited

'Attention: Bathroom breaks have been limited': Insane sign written in highlighter prohibits employee bathroom breaks longer than five minutes

I made my boss over $1.5 million in commission over two years, while I made $45k/year. For Christmas he got me a $25 gift card to a movie theater chain that I would have to drive to another state to even use.

'He called legal on me': Bad boss cheaps out on Christmas bonus and tries to fire worker after they quit for a competitor

Knock money off my paycheck for grammar mistakes? Let me point out all the mistakes on my bosses work.

'I received a decrease in my pay': Employee gets pay docked for grammar mistakes, gets revenge on boss

manager sent this to all the employees.... yikes

Viral Thread: 'If your dog died you need to bring him in and prove it': Restaurant manager tells workers they will be fired if they miss work for any reason, gets fired themself

'Give me an Oscar for the way I act like I'm working in December': 20+ Best Work Confessions of the Week (December 8, 2022)

20 Honest Work Confessions This Week (December 8, 2022)

antiwork employee coworkers i quit quit employer employees workplace quitting employment - 1884423

'I quit my job': Employer refuses to let employee take a single day off while their parents are visiting, employee quits

"There is no such thing as a day off"

'There is no such thing as a day off': Hypocrite manager demands employee cover shift on day off, but won't discuss sick leave on their own day off

Can't justify paying me? No problem.

'Never mess with my money': Technicians band together against corporate for 'glorious malicious compliance'

You want me away from guests at all times so they don’t see me doing normal things? No problem!

'I was told it looks unprofessional': Front desk employee at hotel not allowed to use same bathroom as guests, cue malicious compliance

Owner prohibits drive through employees from wearing jackets during cold winter months

Viral Thread: 'We look sloppy': Employer forbids employees from wearing coats while working drive through window, doesn't consider just providing coats as uniform

Wife accidentally CC’d on email of her upcoming termination

HR Discusses Employee's Upcoming Termination with Business Owner, Accidentally CC's the Employee

$2.13 an hour. No wonder they're looking for help.

'Is this even legal': Job advertisement for server in USA the sparks international debate online over outrageously low wage

Boss demands fauxductivity

'I have been reprimanded for productivity issues': Employee gets shamed by company for being too efficient

They lied about my job, so I quit on during my shift today 2 months in

'They lied [...] so I quit': Recruiter lies about new hire's job duties and working arrangement, new hire quits