
antiwork toxic work workplace employment - 1958663

'Anything unplanned is unexcused': Employer instates policy promising disciplinary action for sick leave

You don’t want me to do my job? Okay, I won’t.

'Okay then': Boss takes employee off big project and puts it into incompetent hands, malicious compliance ensues

"Go get another offer" - Okay!

'Go get another offer': Boss tells employee to get an offer elsewhere to justify their request for a raise, cue malicious compliance

boss antiwork remote work toxic-workplace manager work managers workplace employment toxic-work-environment - 1917703

Boss insists "cameras on, no exceptions" policy for remote workers, sparks online debate

'My boss exploded with anger': Boss loses it when employee quits, more employees quit

'My boss exploded with anger': Boss loses it when employee quits, their behavior leads more employees to quit

workplace, toxic, toxic work environment, work sucks, labor shortage, servers, restaurant, florida, hypocrite, ppp, welfare, government, handouts, pay, work

'And they think $7.25 an hour is a living wage': Local Florida restaurant hypocritically roasts people who take 'government handouts', while blatantly advertising their toxic work culture

Coworker waited hours for my shift to end so I would drive her home, even after I said no.

'It took everything in me not to yell': Needy coworker keeps asking for a ride home, becomes borderline stalker

HR lady asked me to pay £650 for training and became very rude when told I can't afford it.

Update: 'This is a scam!': Recruiter demands upfront payment from new hire for training, gets upset when they refuse

Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

'We are to call him Daddy Cool': Entitled, unhinged boss insists employees call him weird nicknames, cue malicious complaince

Sleepy, Self-Deprecating, and Stressful: Memes, Tweets, and Fails For Your Sunday Scaries

Sleepy, Self-Deprecating, and Stressful: Memes, Tweets, and Fails For Your Sunday Scaries

'Don't sign it': Worker gets written up for discussing pay with coworkers, internet offers their advice

'Don't sign it': Worker gets written up for discussing pay with coworkers, internet offers their advice

My boss exploded

'You should have all said OK Boomer': Horrible Boss explodes at employees, causing mass exodus

Company didn't hire me for the next position and now want me to train up the person they did

'I'm quitting...': Veteran employee passed up for promotion then is asked to train their new boss

20+ Insufferable Coworker Memes and Fails, Plus a Few Wholesome Ones for Your Work Bestie

20+ Insufferable Coworker Memes and Fails, Plus a Few Wholesome Ones for Your Work Bestie

"Dramatic" nanny quits after insane parent demands they come into work after being hit by a car

"Dramatic" nanny quits after insane parent demands they come into work after being hit by a car