
'That's not professional in my eyes': The controversial reason this person walked straight out of an interview

'That's not professional in my eyes': The controversial reason this person walked straight out of an interview

antiwork workplace toxic Horrible Bosses quit quitting

Boss Ridicules Employee After They Work Overtime on Their Day Off, They Quit

Yeah I’ll work 8 hours

'You sound like someone who loves a job that will never love you back': Employee screws herself over by working unpaid hours

You won’t pay for my hotel? Ok I’ll drag your name through the mud and you’ll pay for a more expensive hotel

'Don’t cheap out on your invaluable employees': Employee expected to work late, wake up at 3 AM, and drive 2 hours for a meeting? Cue Malicious Compliance!

Toxic boss says he can replace employee in an hour after they enquired about a small raise, employee told him to start the timer and epically walked out on the job, this story prompted other Redditors to share their satisfying defying-management stories

'My supervisor told me today that he could have another person ready to take my job...So I said “start the timer” and I left': Employees Share Their Most Epic Quitting Stories

Top 25 Anti-Work Posts of the Week (February 3, 2023)

Top 25 Anti-Work Posts of the Week (February 3, 2023)

Boomer doesn't understand tech

'Karen had deleted everything': Boomer Karen tries to screw over coworker after getting laid off, coworker gets revenge

20 Job Advertisement Typos and Fails

'Be ponctual and reliable': 20 Job Advertisement Typos and Fails

My friend got invited in for an interview after one over the phone. She was told she would get “$X” amount, when she was signing paper work to start, the rate was $3.15 lower then agreed. When she questioned it, the interviewer said “well you’re here now, may as well take it”. The rest is history

'I gotta use the bathroom': Interview candidate learns how low salary is, asks to use the restroom, gets in car, and drives home

How I quit my job at a gas station

'You work for your hours!': Employee quits after reading demanding manager's note

What was the best "you have no power here" moment you have ever seen?

'I have no interest working for you': 30+ entitled people getting their much-deserved comeuppance

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Coworker calls woman a "nasty girl" after throwing trash in her candy bowl

antiwork imgur job email work instagram Memes funny tweets - 19140101

'How this email finds me...': Top Email Fails of the Week (January 27, 2023)

tell me how to stack products? ok! let me redo all the work halfway through!

'If I messed up it was on his head': Coworker Bob bosses employee around, cue malicious compliance

antiwork job work millennials generations baby boomers gen z reddit thread Reddit - 19114501

'Snowflake Gen Z': Employee's 'Age Awareness' Training Includes Wildly Biased Descriptions of Generations

No, you don't understand. I REALLY wouldn't do that, if I were you....

'Jackie was in some serious, serious s***': Suspended employee refuses to take steward's advice, gets herself fired