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'I pointedly told her that I AM a millennial and...': Boomer MIL thinks millennials don't want to work, hardworking millennial son-in-law puts her in her place

'I'd be paid $6 an hour': Bar manager rebels against lazy boss who gives him an ultimatum, gets fired because he refused to work extra hours below minimum wage

'I'd be paid $6 an hour': Bar manager rebels against lazy boss who gives him an ultimatum, gets fired because he refused to work extra hours below minimum wage

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'Work is not meant to be fun': Fun police boss declares fun illegal with chaotic break room poster

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'Buckle up, buckaroos!': Boss forces employee to clock out early to get paid less, tenacious employee busts out contract clearly stating he HAS to get paid for a full day regardless

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'My new employer [laughed it] off': Boss calls worker's new employer to accuse them of "poaching" when the worker leaves for better pay

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'I officially resigned': Company approaches contractor they ghosted with generous offer of a 50% lower rate

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'I stood up [and] gave him the double deuce': New employee quits after two days when boss demands they work during the birth of their child

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'I had to pay them [FOURTY] THOUSAND DOLLARS.' Job interview goes sideways when interviewer reveals terms of training

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Update! 'I finally left [nightmare] workplace': Overworked IT employee shares how their final two weeks went at their toxic job after epically quitting

Manager wants to “see my face” while working remote. | I work 100% remotely in public accounting. A typical day for me is working independently for the most part, while myself and my team make ourselves available for any phone calls, web meetings, and emails needed throughout the day.

Is remote work going away?: Manager demands remote worker keeps camera on and pointed at their face for all hours worked

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'I resigned': Boss shocked when worker quits after having their hours halved

work-story antiwork workplace-stories coworkers i quit quit workplace workers quitting employment - 19884549

'I am not demanding': Demanding manager demands worker cover shift on their day off, demands their cooperation after they quit

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'Boss told me I'm stealing': Worker accused of wage theft for clocking in for meetings on their days off

'Mom's in the hospital? Sorry, you're fired': Trainee gets pink-slipped by hostile employer after choosing to take care of her hospitalized mother instead of clocking in for one shift

'Mom's in the hospital? Sorry, you're fired': Trainee gets pink-slipped by hostile employer after choosing to take care of her hospitalized mother instead of clocking in for one shift

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'Should I accept the job?': Job seeker uses ChatGPT to ace virtual job interview

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'Is she being duped?': Boss tries to trick coworker into resigning to avoid paying unemployment [UPDATE]