

Guy asks people on Reddit whether he's a jerk for playing heavy metal music at his friend's wedding | AITA ruining my friends wedding with metal? My wife (30F) and 32M) were invited my friend (31M)'s wedding. He's fairly close friend have seen each other about 2-3 times year since were 10. He got married his longtime girlfriend who have met handful times.

Guy "Ruins" Friend's Wedding With Heavy Metal Song

There's a time and a place for everything.
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Guy tells his friend that she's not that pretty after she says that she's out of his league | AITA telling my friend she isn't as attractive as she thinks? Everyone Sucks few nights ago hanging out with one my friends, and decided order food through Door Dash. About 30 minutes later get notification delivery guy is approaching with our order. Without word she dashes out front room

Guy's Friend Says She's Out Of His League, He Claps Back

Everyone just needs to play nice.
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Woman asks people on Reddit whether she was rude for complaining about a funeral guest's outfit | AITA telling stranger her funeral outfit inappropriate? Not hole My great grandmother passed away few days ago and her funeral with this morning. High Roman Catholic Mass. She 103. One my cousins Joseph brought his girlfriend "Raven" They're both 19 and if my Aunt Sandy is be believed

Woman Tells Stranger At Funeral That Her Outfit Was Inappropriate

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Wife turns off the WiFi when her husband uses the bathroom too long | AITA turning off wifi my husband camps bathroom extended lengths time. My husband and are parents twins who are less than year old. Anytime my husband SHOULD be doing something with children s his turn diaper bottle, even just soothing fussy newborn) he ALWAYS goes bathroom first are both on maternity paternity leave currently.

Wife Turns WiFi Off If Husband Uses Bathroom Too Long

Sounds like a bit of a tough situation.
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Woman wants to take her friend's ex as a date to her wedding | WIBTA taking my friend's ex as my date her wedding after got kicked out her wedding party? My friend is marrying my ex boyfriend four years s been pretty awkward kicked out her wedding party because uncomfortable wearing very revealing bridesmaid's gown. This wasn't big deal as not exactly close since she got with my ex. However, she still expects take on all duties bridesmaid told her ridiculous and she needed find new

Woman Wants To Take Friend's Ex As Date To Her Wedding

Probably best to just avoid the wedding altogether.
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Dad admits that he regrets having children during a marriage counseling session, and asks people on Reddit whether he was a jerk | AITA admitting regret having children. Not hole My wife and are both 42 and marriage counselling after our marriage basically went shit after having kids (6 and 4 year old twins lot issues and disagreements have come up our marriage have driven us apart and have been working through my resentment going back one more baby resulted twins, including one which are pretty

Dad Admits He Regrets Having Children During Marriage Counseling

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Guy's ex-girlfriend lies about him cheating on her, so he outs her as homosexual.

Guy's Ex Lies About Him Cheating, He Outs Her

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Bartender gets fired for drinking a non-alcoholic beverage on the clock, so all their co-workers quit in response.

Bartender Gets Fired For BS Reason, Co-Workers All Quit In Response

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Woman yells at a stranger who calls her out for taking a handicapped parking spot.

Woman Yells At Stranger Who Calls Her Out For Stealing Handicapped Spot

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Bridesmaid drops out of wedding party after bride throws lingerie pyramid scheme.

Bridesmaid Quits Wedding Party After Bride Hosts Lingerie Pyramid Scheme

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Dad asks the people of Reddit if he's a jerk for telling his daughter she can't introduce her African American boyfriend to her grandparents.

Dad Asks Daughter To Lie To Grandparents About Black Boyfriend

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reddit, aita, boyfriend, relationship, reaction, friend

Woman Asks Internet If She's Wrong For Walking Around Bra-Less In Front Of Boyfriend's Friend

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guy asking if he's a jerk for refusing to pay for food

Guy Takes Girlfriend On Date And Refuses To Pay For Meal Cause Portion Size Was Too Small

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