

Man tries to control his girlfriend's money, and asks people on Reddit whether that was wrong | r/AmltheAsshole JOIN u/SuccessfulQuail1 11h AITA trying control" my gf's money 29, hate debt s nothing but weight around ankles keep moving ahead with life lucky enough get scholarships most college, and paid off loans did have get ASAP did go ahead and buy new car increased safety features, but only have few thousand left on loan, because again, aggressive paying off just bought house because mortgag

Man Tries To Control Girlfriend's Money

Quite the pickle.
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Girl's friends think that they're famous, and she tells them otherwise | AITA pointing out my friends they are not famous? Everyone Sucks My friends are dating, they're also actors who have had small roles on few tv shows talking two lines or less say this not be hater truly am rooting them, but give scope their reach. Neither them have following real life or on social media (they've got under 1500 followers combined Anyway last week posted group picture on Instagram people celebrating friends

Girl's Friends Think They're Famous, She Tells Them No

A whole lot of unnecessary drama.
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Dad uses his son's college fund to remodel home, and son gets upset. | AITA using my son's college fund remodel my home have consistently put money away my kids' college funds since they were young. Their education important worked very hard get my degree and eventually my Master's didn't want my kids be burden or worried about funds they went school. My son got into decent school and started off well. Then his grades slumped and he said he dropping out. He's now 23 and has been bouncing one odd

Dad Uses Son's College Fund To Remodel Home

The son wasn't stoked.
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Dad enjoys cooking bacon, and his daughter doesn't like it | WIBTA refusing stop cooking bacon my kitchen due my teenage daughters vegan lifestyle? Not hole Dad here, old fart, loves his daughter pieces but struggling see eye eye with my teenager and wife on this one always been meat eating family live rural Midwest and bacon breakfast is pretty much given. This year my 14 y/o daughter decided go vegan, and jumped onto her support team with enthusiasm learned substitute ingredients, cook new

Dad Cooks Bacon, Vegan Daughter Isn't Having It

Dad just wants that bacon.
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Bride asks people on Reddit whether she's wrong to want to ban kids from wedding | r/AmltheAsshole JOIN u/[deleted 3d AITA asking my Fiance agree childfree wedding? Asshole So here go! Am am asshole asking soon be hubs child free wedding? My Finace 2 1/2 years and are set be married little over year have been pretty much agreement over most wedding planning except this one thing.

Bride Wants To Ban Kids From Wedding

She wants the child free wedding.
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Dad tells his son that sometimes he regrets getting married | r/AmltheAsshole JOIN u/Clear_Chest 1d AITA possibly encouraging my son break up with his girlfriend and telling him have regrets about marrying his mother/ my wife? Asshole My son will be starting college this fall. He will be attending school out state while his girlfriend stays home attend college. Because distance, they have been discussing whether or not they will try make things work, and they have struggled make decision. He ask

Dad Tells Son Sometimes He Regrets Marriage

Tough conversation.
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Guy seasons his girlfriend's cooking without her permission first | r/AmltheAsshole JOIN u/throwcovidaway 8h AITA getting mad at my boyfriend seasoning my cooking without my consent my partner (30m) and 24f) cooking is not together-activity. Usually he's charge our meals and he's type person who doesn't ask advice/ want opinion on he's cooking. His meals are tasty and generally fit my taste profile so l'm okay with staying out think our skill levels comes cooking are quite similar.

Guy Seasons Girlfriend's Cooking Without Permission

Bold move.
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Employee pretends to get fired whenever they deal with angry and entitled customers | AITA pretending get fired customers get temper with Not hole am high schooler with weekend job at coffee shop. My coworkers who work weekends are: James owners son, he goes my school. He's shift manager but 's not real formal thing, he's friendly guy. Danielle college student who sometimes works weekends too.

Employee Gets Fake Fired Around Angry Customers

One way to deal with entitled customers.
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Guy's wife won't shower, so he says that he'll live out of shed until she does | AITA forcing" my wife take shower? She hasn't bathed, changed clothes, or done any household things since Animal crossing/doom released pre-ordered both and few more things her as semi early anniversary gift and she absolutely loves them Too much didn't say word first few days understand excitement but once got close week made bath her and she said she'd get later. Later as 2 hours water cold so she no longer

Guy's Wife Won't Shower, He Says He'll Live In Shed

Trouble in paradise.
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Dad's daughters want to exclude his new wife from their weddings | AITA tell my daughters won't attend their weddings if they continue snub my wife protect their mom's feelings? Not hole My two younger daughters (27 and 30) are both getting married next year. Their mother and divorced 13 years ago bad breakup caught her an affair but she didn't want divorce. Anyways remarried my current wife 8 years now and very happy have found each other.

Dad's Daughters Want To Exclude His New Wife From Weddings

Whole lot of drama.
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Guy won't let his friends enter his forbidden room, so they get upset | AITA not letting my friends enter Forbidden Room? Not hole OK, this is throwaway, on mobile, English isn't my first language, etc. So M20) live with another guy (M19 who l'll refer as Red. Red's autistic, and he's not party person am. He also is extremely camera-shy, like he'll go out his way hide if someone is taking photo he could appear s perfectly fine, but still like my parties. So came up with Forbidden Room Forbidden

Guy Won't Let Friends Enter Forbidden Room, They're Upset

This dude's friends need to chill.
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An entitled girl with allergies gets reality checked after telling person how to live in their home | AITA telling my roommates friend if their allergy is so severe can't make sandwich another room they should just leave? Not hole So, my roommate invited over one their friends today. He didn't mention anything or my other roommate about and so walked out my room and saw this random girl just kind like uhm, who are Because my roommate not room.

Entitled Girl With Allergies Gets Reality Checked

Probably best to just get out of there.
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Bride gets criticized for telling fiancé that he can't have a "best woman" at the wedding | AITA not wanting my fianc have best woman Asshole My fiancé and are planning our wedding, and today he said he is planning on having his female friend be his best man, making her best woman

Bride Tells Fiancé He Can't Have "Best Woman" At Wedding

Just a bit controlling.
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Pizza hut employee decides to answer a customer's ridiculous question with a ridiculous answer | AITA my cheeky suggestion customer they ask they should eat work Pizza Hut and my manager just told somebody wrote complaint customer service about customer who called yesterday. So I received this call about 11am woman with very raspy voice conversation, according my memory went like this.

Pizza Hut Employee Answers Customer's Dumb Question In Kind

Honestly, well played by the Pizza Hut employee.
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Guy's girlfriend gets angry about his surprise birthday party | AITA leaving my GF upstairs crying play poker with boys downstairs? Not hole little bit ago my birthday, and my girlfriend had planned out whole thing Some background totally nailed her last birthday spent whole day doing her favorite things, had dinner at her favorite restaurant, got big dessert her favorite cake

Guy Plays Poker With Friends On Birthday, Girlfriend Rages

It was his birthday of all days.
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Woman becomes upset that her engagement ring was only $80 | AITA apparently not respecting my Pandora engagement ring? Not hole want start this off by saying not gold digger got engaged 2 weeks ago and more than happy say yes even if there no ring at all. But there one and looked beautiful at first

Woman Upset That Her Engagement Ring Was $80

Interesting he'd spend hundreds on a TV and $80 on a ring.
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