

Bride's sister threatens to wear white dress, and gets kicked off bridesmaid duties | AITA kicking my sister out my wedding So my sister (30 F) and 33 F) have always had contentious relationship, and l've never understood why. She has always been condescending and rude She also still lives with my mom and is very close with her. Last year got engaged my fianc 36 M Everyone congratulatory except my sister. Her response wow really trying beat down aisle huh She wasn't dating anyone at time, and

Bride's Sister Threatens To Wear White Dress, Gets Kicked Off Duties

The sister and mom sound like a nightmare.
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Guy gets brutally honest about the source of his financial stability | r/AmltheAsshole u/No-Wing-868• 1d Join 1 1 5 1 AITA being brutally honest about my financial stability? Not hole So l'm 26 have no student debt, and own condo outright. My coworkers and office are very anti-young people and constantly rag on "those millennials" and their "financial irresponsibility one 4 people under 30 office, and my coworkers are usually shocked by my age.

Millennial Gets Brutally Honest About Financial Stability

That inheritance can change the game.
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Woman rejects engagement ring that her fiance gave to his ex | AITA not wanting ring my fiancé already gave another girl Not hole My now fianc engaged couple years before got together, and they broke up and she gave ring back been together few years and few days ago, he proposed and super excited ring looked kinda familiar and asked him where he said ring he gave ex fianc immediately took off and like don't want ring bought someone else wasn't meant He got upset and said didn't matter, because '

Woman Rejects Engagement Ring Her Fiancé Gave His Ex

Definitely a tacky move.
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Woman's sister-in-law names her baby "alibi." | r/AmltheAsshole Join u/Ghostthemost28 3d AITA telling my SIL her baby's chosen name is literally worst name l've ever heard? Not hole TLDR- they're naming their baby girl "Alibi" Ok so looking outside judgment because do feel bad about upsetting her still. Last weekend joined family zoom call where my brother and SIIL wanted announce their new baby's name after spending nearly month brainstorming. My parents and other siblings were also there along

Woman's Sister-In-Law Names Her Baby "Alibi"

Interesting move.
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Woman understand's her mother-in-law's native language and surprises her with it | r/tifu u/Tale_Revolutionary 1d Join 1 1 TIFU by not telling my husband and his parents knew their native language and then speaking said language front them M actually posted this on Am Asshole few days back. Some people suggested post this here as well, so here goes. This story has four characters my husband (28m 27f mother law and father law.

Woman Understand's Mother-In-Law's Native Language, Surprise Ensues

Her jaw must've dropped to the floor.
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Passive aggressive bridezilla calls her friends out over their wedding gifts | r/AmltheAsshole JOIN u/makeupandjustice 23h AITA calling friends out not bringing card or gift my post- elopement wedding reception? Asshole Amidst significant family drama, my husband and decided elope and then host 35 person garden-party wedding reception at our home reception on same date as our original wedding had been planned and tbh cost just as

Passive Aggressive Bridezilla Complains About Friends' Gifts

Oh, come on.
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Parent hires a private investigator to look into children's nanny | AITA hiring private investigator check into our nanny have nanny (late 20s) who comes watch our 3 year old and 1 year old our work schedules overlap or have go out together whatever reason. She's watching kids between 10-20 hours week. Recently came back and time pay her, but she middle bathing kids so said "Can just put my purse said no problem went downstairs and found her purse but little cluttered so put her wallet her purse

Parent Hires Private Investigator To Check Out Nanny

Might've been overstepping just a bit.
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Man forces girlfriend to shower every night before going to bed | r/AmltheAsshole Join u/ShoppingAble 1d AITA forcing my girlfriend take shower before bed each night? Asshole know this isn't practice all people or couples, but think is good hygiene. This is even more true during summer people sweat more and have more body oil past she would spend night never said anything, but now are living together and sharing bed each night told her she can't come home and crawl into bed without taking shower

Man Forces Girlfriend To Take Shower Every Night Before Bed

Not cool dude.
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Best man gets demoted and proceeds to skip friend's wedding | AITA not going wedding after agreeing be best man? Not hole Last year my best childhood friend (28M) asked 28M be best man at his wedding, and happily agreed think process brought us closer together as talked weekly next few months planning logistics and bachelor party worked hard on bachelor party, which far away vacation spent months planning, and lots money found time everyone's schedule and booked an amazing vacation blast his onl

Best Man Gets Demoted, Skips Friend's Wedding

That's not what friends do.
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Groom says that fiance can only splurge on wedding dress if he can splurge too | AITA telling my fiancé she can only buy wedding dress if get spend same amount Asshole My fiancée and are getting married October and couldn't be more excited. Currently she's unemployed because her job permanently shut down due lockdown so income comes and her unemployment make good money so don't care if she gets another job can support us. Money is little tight lately because very suddenly had buy new car haven't

Groom Says Fiancé Can Only Buy Wedding Dress If He Can Splurge Too

Dude, come on.
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Woman relocates her garden and her landlords get upset | AITA bringing my garden with moved? Not hole (25) have been renting house since 18 (7 years moved backyard large piece dirt, no lawn or anything, just decently big backyard with fence all around cheap but not great house, but signed because wanted backyard space.

Woman Relocates Her Garden, Landlords Get Upset

Landlords just wanted that garden for themselves.
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Woman asks people on Reddit if she was wrong for saying baby's name will lead to bullying | AITA criticizing my cousin's baby name? Not hole Hi 21F) have married cousin Cass 30F) who has always been sort holier-than-thou our family just because she is oldest, rather successful and first settle down. She is pregnant with her first child son, and has announced name. Both are family names, and middle actually is after our grandfather name would be perfectly fine if wasn't surname initials name is

Woman Says Baby's Name Will Lead To Bullying

Don't doom the poor kid.
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Woman demands an apology from a mom in front of her kids, and she gets mad | AITA asking an apology mom front her kids 25F) am traveling work and staying at hotel sitting my room and hear yelling and screaming other room sounds like there are people running into walls and TV is blasting am used some noise hotels is only natural, but this excessive say least. Over next hour noise continued and based on could tell at least mother and her children knew this because seemed like every ten minutes mom

Woman Demands Apology From Mom In Front Of Her Kids

Mom was not stoked.
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Man calls girlfriend a spoiled brat because her parents pay for everything | r/AmltheAsshole Join u/dddundermuffin 17h 1 AITA telling my girlfriend she's spoiled brat? My girlfriend (24F) and 35M) have been together almost year. She comes wealthy family. They own several houses and buy my gf everything she wants whenever she wants They're good people, but think they need treat her like woman instead child worked hard everything have, which isn't much, so frustrates watch her coast through life.

Man Calls Girlfriend Spoiled Brat

Bold move, man.
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Woman ends up emasculating her egotistical boyfriend | AITA emasculating my BF? Not hole 30F met this guy 28M January and he became my BF February. Comes March world goes down drain and decided move together time pandemic. Everything is great morning have this routine where he browses Reddit and gives highlights few weeks ago, he shows post where this guy is challenged an arm wrestling competition by his GF guy didn't seem have any sort training/work out whereas his GF did.

Woman Emasculates Egotistical Boyfriend

All kinds of red flags.
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Woman's family continues to criticize her fiance's income, so she threatens to ban them from wedding | AITA telling my family stay out and my fiancé's financial agreement and if they keep bothering they can't come wedding Not hole So my fiancé and have large wealth discrepancy. My grandparents gave and my sister large amount money they died, and have much higher paying job than him. He works just as hard as he just gets paid less.

Woman's Family Criticizes Fiancé's Income

She threatens to ban them from the wedding.
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