

A classmate saves goldfish by releasing them into the ocean, and then learns that that's bad for them.

Classmate "Saves" Goldfish By Releasing Them Into Ocean, Gets Reality Checked

That's not the water that the goldfish wanted.
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Man kicks his sister-in-law out of the party for bringing a fake service dog with her.

Man Kicks SIL Out Of Party For Bringing Fake Service Dog

She wasn't technically alone for the ride home.
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An old lady complains about her young neighbors, and then her young neighbor claps back against her.

Old Lady Complains About Young Neighbors, Young Neighbor Claps Back

Tough day for that lady.
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A woman steals her sister's boyfriend, proceeds to marry him, sibling won't attend wedding, bride pitches fit.

Woman Steals Sister's Boyfriend, Marries Him, Sibling Won't Attend Wedding

As if it was going to turn out any other way.
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Man's in-laws ask about his income, and he proceeds to call them gold diggers.

In-Laws Want To Know Man's Income, He Calls Them Gold Diggers

Straight up run for the hills.
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Vegan wants a wedding guest's vegan meal, gets rejected, and then proceeds to pitch a fit.

Vegan Wants Wedding Guest's Vegan Meal, Gets Rejected, Pitches Fit

Pretty dang absurd.
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A babysitter asks if she was in the wrong for making parents pay for objects that were damaged by an unsupervised kid.

Babysitter Makes Parents Pay For Items Damaged By Unsupervised Kid, Asks If She's In The Wrong

The parents should've taken the departure time more seriously.
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Woman wants to un-invite friend from engagement party over an engagement ring drama.

Woman Uninvites Friend From Engagement Party Over Engagement Ring Comment

Sounds like the friend was just a bit out of line.
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Husband insists on grunting while lifting weights, and then his wife asks him to stop.

Husband Grunts While Lifting Weights, Wife Asks Him To Stop

Some trouble in paradise.
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Husband has gaming rage issues, gets called out, and then pitches a fit.

Husband Has Gaming Issues, Gets Called Out, Pitches Fit

He needed the wakeup call.
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A new roommate rents two rooms, but only expects to have to pay for one room.

New Roommate Rents Two Rooms, Only Expects To Pay For One Room

Yeah, that's not the way the world works.
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Parent lets their daughter exclude a lazy neighbor from her yard business.

Parent Lets Daughter Exclude Lazy Neighbor From Yard Business

Disappointment's part of this crazy thing called life.
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Wife yells at her husband because he keeps eating her food.

Wife Yells At Husband For Eating Her Food

Some trouble in paradise.
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Employee tells their coworkers that everyone can't afford to buy a house, and then cringe ensues.

Employee Tells Coworkers Everyone Can't Afford A House, Awkwardness Ensues

Sounds like quite the uncomfortable room.
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A cousin tricks their family member into eating cottage cheese lasagna.

Cousin Tricks Family Member Into Eating Cottage Cheese

Ah yes, some good old family drama.
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Dad gets fed up with his family's pizza eating antics, so he sends a dramatic group text.

Dad Is Over Family's Pizza Eating Antics, Sends Dramatic Group Text

Messing with pizza is no joke.
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