

A new mom asks her husband to stop posting on social media about how he's so exhausted all the time.

New Mom Asks Husband To Stop Social Media Posting About Exhaustion

Parenting is no small feat.
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Wife keeps saying that the family is broke, and then the husband reminds her that they're millionaires.

Wife Says Family's Broke, Husband Reminds Her They're Millionaires

Maybe just take a timeout from talking about the money.
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Job applicant calls out company's interview process | AITA giving company my honest opinion on their interview process they asked Not hole applied job few months ago completely online work home job regardless current situation so all communication and process done online. This retail consultant position online shoppers. They could seek advice consultant if they needed help choosing products received an email saying they would like interview Sweet got an email link zoom call next week had no idea

Job Applicant Calls Out Company's Interview Process

Seems like it was called for.
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Woman can't stand her roommates so she proceeds to break her lease.

Woman Can't Stand Roommates, Breaks Lease, Roommates Flip Out

Gotta put yourself first.
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Woman refuses to pay for husband's meal at restaurant, he has a meltdown.

Woman Refuses To Pay For Husband's Meal, Husband Has Meltdown

Whole bunch of yikes going on here.
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Dude shuts down entitled neighbor over free high speed internet.

Entitled Neighbor Expects Free High Speed Internet, Gets Rejected

The original offer was totally fair.
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A classist roommate gets called out after making inappropriate remarks about plumber. | AITA snapping at my classist roommate? Not hole live house with 3 other people (all students Last week one our toilets got really clogged up point could not fix by ourselves and had call plumber plumber came and working on an hour which he charged us 50€.

Classist Roommate Gets Called Out After Insulting Plumber

Roomie needed the reality check.
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Guy abandons his girlfriend on top of a mountain to watch the football game | AITA abandoning my girlfriend on top mountain know this sounds bad but hear out on this one wasn't even big mountain. Basically l've been going on hikes alone on weekend mornings while my girlfriend eats pancakes. On Sunday went do peak 's easy if vet like but still takes few hours went early so could be back football game at one could not miss this game. So woke up early go and my girlfriend gets up with and is like

Dude Abandons Girlfriend On Top Of Mountain To Watch Football

It was a Jets game.
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Dad asks babysitter to replace the guitar that was destroyed by his kid.

Kid Destroys Guitar, Dad Asks Babysitter To Replace It

Um, okay dad.
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Husband eats his kid's candy, and then his wife blows up at him.

Husband Eats Kid's Candy, Wife Blows Up At Husband

Not cool at all, dad.
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Man tells his girlfriend that she's too obsessed with her dog, and then drama ensues.

Man Tells Girlfriend She's Too Obsessed With Her Dog

Absolutely ridiculous, guys.
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Man insists on licking his dinner plate clean, and his girlfriend gets upset.

Man Insists On Licking Dinner Plate Clean, Girlfriend's Not Down

Uh oh, trouble in dating paradise.
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Woman doesn't help her friend get a job at her company, feels bad, and then proceeds to consult Reddit.

Woman Doesn't Help Friend Get Job At Her Company, Feels Bad, Consults Reddit

Eh, seems fair enough.
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Drama breaks out between couple over stimulus check.

Drama Breaks Out Between Couple Over Stimulus Check

He might want to reassess his approach.
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Woman's coworker uses her sonogram to fool her boyfriend into thinking she's pregnant.

Woman's Coworker Uses Her Sonogram To Fool Boyfriend

Eh, just a little bit too far.
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Husband tells his wife that she looks tired enough for a senior discount, and then a full on drama ensues.

Man Tells Wife She Looks "Tired" Enough For Senior Discount, Drama Ensues

That wasn't the move, man.
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