

A chef modifies a dish to account for a customer's food allergy, and goes onto learn the dish was served to incorrect customer.

Chef Modifies Dish To Account For Food Allergy, Customer Gets Mad Over Confusion

This one really might fall on the server.
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Woman tells her neighbors to stop talking in their garden, and then proceeds to get called out.

Woman Tells Neighbors To Stop Talking In Their Garden, Gets Called Out

Get a load of this neighbor.
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A boss forces their employee to choose between a demotion or termination, and then asks if they're in the wrong.

Boss Forces Employee To Choose Between Demotion Or Termination, Asks If They're Wrong

Oh boy.
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Man decides to publicly shame his wife's friend after she was rude to a waitress.

Man Publicly Shames Wife's Friend For Disrespecting Waitress

Everyone has their breaking point.
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A waitress accidentally spills wine on a customer's jacket, and then the customer doesn't want to leave a tip.

Waitress Accidentally Spills Wine On Customer's Jacket, Customer Chooses Not To Tip

Accidents happen, man.
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A boyfriend asks his girlfriend for $5K loan from his girlfriend, she rejects the request, and he gets very upset.

Boyfriend Asks For $5K Loan From Girlfriend, Girlfriend Rejects Request, Boyfriend Gets Upset

He definitely could've handled that better.
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Parents want to name their kid after a "Red Dead Redemption 2" character, and the grandma proceeds to have a meltdown.

Parents Want To Name Kid After "Red Dead Redemption 2" Character, Grandma Freaks Out

Pull it together, Grandma.
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Aunt dismisses jellyfish museum's warnings about jellyfish, gets stung, and then proceeds to get called a Karen.

Aunt Dismisses Jellyfish Museum's Warnings, Gets Stung, Wants To Sue, Gets Called Karen

Oh boy, nobody likes being called a Karen.
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A woman's ex won't return her stuff so she wants to go ahead and return the engagement ring.

Ex Boyfriend Won't Return Woman's Stuff, Woman Wants To Sell His Stuff

Man, he wasn't playing any of that cool.
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An employee gets a pet fox, stinky smells ensue, boss calls her out, and she complains.

Employee Gets Pet Fox, Big Stink Ensues, Boss Calls Her Out, She Complains

Sounds like a real handful.
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Wife announces her pregnancy and then her husband assumes that it's a joke.

Wife Announces Pregnancy, Husband Assumes It's A Joke, Cringe Ensues

Must've been quite the uncomfortable room.
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Bride asks wedding guests to ship gifts to her new house, guests disregard bride's request.

Bride Asks Shower Guests To Ship Gifts To House, Guests Disregard Request

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Customer gives waitress a fake tip, so the table next to them decides to intervene with the truth.

Impatient Customers Attempt To Give Waitress Fake Tip, Other Customers Intervene

The truth was absolutely necessary.
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Boyfriend expects his new girlfriend to contribute $200 to a wedding gift for his bud.

Boyfriend Expects Girlfriend To Contribute $200 To His Bud's Wedding Gift

Those are some wildly unrealistic expectations.
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Wife ridicules her husband over his breakfast sandwich addiction.

Wife Condemns Husband Over His Love For Breakfast Sandwiches

Those breakfast sandwiches are dangerously tasty.
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A manipulative maid of honor ends up getting called out by the bride for all of her nasty antics.

Manipulative Maid Of Honor Gets Called Out For Her Antics By Bride

The reality check was most necessary.
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