

Woman gets mad that roommate cooks meat in their shared dorm room, and roommate feels bad.

Vegetarian Gets Mad That Roommate Cooks Meat In Dorm Room, Roommate Feels Bad

Eh, live your life.
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Son can't afford rent, moves back in with parents, dad sets rules, and son flips out.

Son Can't Afford Rent, Moves Back In With Parents, Dad Sets Rules, Son Flips Out

Just a little bit of entitlement going on there.
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A manager won't give their employee a raise, so they end up being called out.

Manager Won't Give Employee Raise, Gets Called Out

Pretty uncool.
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Woman keeps throwing away her roommate's food, and eventually roommate hits their breaking point.

Woman Keeps Throwing Away Roommate's Food, Roommate Hits Breaking Point

Supremely uncool behavior.
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Woman's coworker pitches fit about her continuing to get gifts from husband at work.

Pregnant Woman Receives Gifts From Husband At Work, Coworker Complains

Of all the things to complain about.
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Tenant refuses to pay rent while living in trailer, so landlord "moves" into trailer.

Tenant Won't Pay Rent, Landlord Snaps, "Moves In"

That went from 0 to 100.
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Husband says that it's embarrassing for his wife to bring cookies to the bus driver.

Wife Brings Cookies For Bus Driver, Husband Says It's Embarrassing

Dude, no.
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An AITA about a person's brother and his girlfriend being dramatic over chores.

Man Provides Brother And Girlfriend Temporary Housing, They Complain About Terms

Come on now.
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Woman's sister marries her ex, she refuses to attend her wedding, and then her sister pitches a fit.

Woman's Sister Marries Her Ex, She Refuses To Attend Wedding, Sister Pitches Fit

Almost too ridiculous to be real life.
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Man asks if he's in the wrong for not selling his flat to the highest bidder.

Woman Asks If She's In The Wrong For Refusing To Sell Flat To Highest Bidder

What a guy.
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A boyfriend wants his girlfriend to pay him for an Uber ride, but she rightfully refuses.

Boyfriend Wants Girlfriend To Pay Him For Ride, She Refuses

Get a load of this guy.
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An employee won't donate their vacation hours, and then their coworkers are mean to them.

Employee Doesn't Donate Vacation Hours To Coworker, Gets Called Out

Definitely a shady move by their boss.
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aita FAIL funny - 15139845

Girl's Boyfriend Gets Mad When He Comes Home Unexpectedly With His Parents

Girl dancing gets caught unexpectedly by her in-laws
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An employee counteracts testy customers by pretending to get fired from his job.

Employee Counteracts Rude Customers By Pretending To Get Fired

A highly effective strategy.
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Some overbearing neighbors repeatedly harass a man over his completely understandable lifestyle.

Overbearing Neighbors Continually Pester Man Over His Lifestyle

Seriously guys, what gives?
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aita marriage relationships wedding Reddit dramatic - 15078405

Woman Refuses To Cut Hair For Dad's Wedding, Family Drama Ensues

Oh boy, are weddings just endlessly ripe for all kinds of conflicts between family members. There's just something about the event that inspires people to get completely possessed by their unreasonable, inner perfectionist side. The thing about trying to make sure that something ends up being perfect, is that life by its very design is imperfect. There are fails and mishaps lurking around pretty much every corner. It's only a matter of time before one thing or another falls apart. In this case …
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