

AITA for screaming at my sister after announcing my pregnancy

'She LIED about the pregnancy': Woman makes fake pregnancy announcement at family gathering to steal her sister's thunder

Sibling rivalry has been and always will be juicy!
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AITA for not letting my best friend have her wedding on my property after being uninvited?

'He's put her in an impossible position': Dude offers home for his BFF's wedding, until her fiancé makes an uncomfortable request

“One of my best friends is getting married soon,” this guy wrote, as he wondered if he was wrong for restricting where she could hold the festivities.
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pet ownership aita entitled Reddit pet owners karen entitled people - 19432709

'AITA for taking my dog into the grocery store?' Pet owner berated by fellow shopper and again online for taking their dog into a grocery store

This “proud owner of ‘Peanut’” should spend some time looking in the mirror to reflect on why she thinks herself to be above the rules. What stands out to me the most in the original poster's writing is the line, “I apologized and said the most convenient thing for me was to come here with Peanut.” The most convenient thing for her acknowledges
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AITA for refusing to stop cooking and eating in my kitchen because of my roommate's girlfriend's "condition."

'She's not paying rent but is making demands?': Guy told not to cook in his own apartment by his roommate's girlfriend

If you're not paying rent, you forfeit your right to an opinion.
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dating drama relationships story aita relationship-drama relationship-stories - 19420933

'AITA for yelling at my girlfriend to stop f-ing eating?': Guy's outburst shuts down entitled indulgent girlfriend

Each and every one of us has a memory (or memories) from our childhood that we hold dear, a nostalgic high-water mark of the happiest moments of our lives. We could drive ourselves mad trying to attain this same sense of blissful wonderment—and indeed, some have. This girlfriend seems to be one of those people, choosing to forgo all rational thought and social decency to chase and ride the high of her youth. Who doesn't love dipping their finger in a baking work-in-progress? Reckless abandon pr…
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AITA for buying my girlfriends sister a car?

'Afterwards I told my girlfriend about it and she got furious at me': BF contacts GF's estranged sister to buy her an extremely expensive present

After one guy went behind his GF's back, and his big purchase began tearing this couple apart. When it comes to pushing boundaries in a relationship, this dude majorly messed up. In a post to r/AmItheA*****, u/throwaway84200t wrote that his GF doesn't speak to her sister . She hasn't told him exactly why, but they had not talked in four years. Then the OP began talking to her sister — apparently under the guise of trying to get the two sisters back in touch. But then this post goes off the rail…
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aita marriage proposal friends reddit story am i the asshole proposal relationships dating - 19397381

Woman wants to save her friend from an unideal proposal, internet intervenes

We want the best for those that we care about—this can sometimes present a moral quandary… Is it ethical to do something that would be otherwise unethical if it saves said loved one from certain disaster? This can be incredibly difficult to get your head around, providing a much more difficult philosophical dilemma than whether or not someone is wrong for stealing their roommate's cat. The idea of doing harm to prevent a greater one brings a certain trolley problem to mind: Is it wrong to do so…
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AITA for letting my roommate’s ex-girlfriend, who keeps showing up at our apartment, come inside because she was drunk?

Ex-Girlfriend Keeps Showing Up at Apartment Every Night, Roommate Lets Her In Causing Major Fight

This one had people totally split in the comments as to who was in the right.
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AITA for calling my mom when my husband refused to listen to me?

'They need to leave': Pregnant wife returns from hospital to find her brother-in-law's entire family living in their home

This must be the plot of either a screwball comedy or a total horror nightmare!
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AITA for not wanting to pay for my girlfriend's car maintenance after I used it with permission once while pet sitting for her

'No one tricked you. You screwed up': Guy takes girlfriend's Porsche out for a spin without her permission and won't pay for the damage

This dude literally drove his girlfriend's Porsche into a field against her wishes and is confused as to why she's mad.
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crazy-roommates cat aita psycho roommate renting roommates Cats - 19397125

Woman Steals Roommate's Cat, Wonders if He's Wrong

Reddit's AITA subreddit often presents us with complicated social situations where different considerations and ethical reasoning could make the decision go in either direction. This is not one of those times. This woman saw fit to make off with his roommate's cat, citing the roommate's lack of attentiveness to the pet as her justification and reason. The internet has swiftly condemned her actions, calling her a thief and kidnapper and declaring her actions completely unjustified. The woman wri…
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AITA because I make my wife dig through the trash.

Wife Doesn’t Like Husband Bringing Dirt Into the House but Refuses To Give Him Soap To Clean Himself, Soap Opera Ensues!

At first, you might read this and assume the husband is ungrateful and wrong, but on second thought, he's actually way too patient for his own good.
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AITA for screwing up my boyfriends interview by not doing his laundry on purpose?

'He immediately asks me when I’m going to do laundry since he’s very nervous': Woman screws up BF's important interview on purpose

This guy prepped for an interview for weeks, but it still didn't go perfectly! Interview prep involves a few things: printing out a few copies of your resume, mapping out how to get to the job site, and preparing your interview clothes so you make a great first impression . This woman shared her frustrating experience with her job-searching boyfriend, who didn't quite get around to the clothing step of preparation. Instead, he tried to get his lucky blazer cleaned on a regular laundry day by hi…
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AITA for not getting up from a massage chair when someone wanted to use it?

'They asked me to get off the chair': Pregnant woman eats ice cream on massage chair in a mall, refuses to leave when customers request massages

You have to hand it to this woman for refusing to leave until she finished her ice cream. She might be a jerk, but she is also an icon.
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'He is only worthy of love when he's fit and attractive': Narcissistic mean girl makes fun of her formerly overweight friend, jealously belittling him in public

'He is only worthy of love when he's fit and attractive': Narcissistic mean girl makes fun of her formerly overweight friend, jealously belittling him in public

Mean girls will always be the mean girl. It's as if they have a toxic cloud of rude energy that surrounds them and compels them to be complete jerks to the people around them, manipulating people's insecurities and using deep trauma and feeble attention seeking tactics to control the people around them. One super extra mean girl, u/blueisnotcreative , is the worst kind of mean girl– the kind that plays innocent and pretends to be everyone's friend. Yuck. Recently, Blue posted on AITA, asking if…
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AITA for doing an Irish exit at a restaurant so I wasn't stuck with the bill?

'You need to find new dinner companions': Dude questions if their friends should be angry at them for walking out on a meal

This dude ducked out of a dinner party early, making his friends absolutely furious. Some people will always take advantage of your generosity! In this post to r/AmItheA******, u/OldAbbreviations6423 had a pressing question regarding his current friend group. The OP is in the awkward position of being one of the higher earners in their friend group, so they've kindly covered tips in the past while the group was out dining. But the OP noticed an interesting pattern of their friends over ordering…
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