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'I demanded a paternity test': Mother makes her teen son's pregnant girlfriend get a paternity test, revealing the girlfriend cheated (again) and her baby isn't the his

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'You probably learned how to use chopsticks by eating his wife’s leftovers': Entitled cousin gets put in her place while out for sushi

'Get a private flight next time': Plane passenger stands up for new mom being scolded by a Karen

'Get a private flight next time': Plane passenger stands up for new mom being scolded by a Karen

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'[Am I wrong] for telling my husband the nanny is in charge?': Husband objects to wife telling him to defer to the nanny's judgement for their children

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'The mom went off on me': Parents change baby's diaper at their seats on the plane, passenger asks them to stop, flight crew intervenes

'I wanted to do some gaming': Dude asks GF if he can use their home office for video games

'I wanted to do some gaming': Dude asks GF if he can use their home office for video games

Guy takes advantage of prime rib pricing blunder, manager tells him he has cost someone their job

'The manager was livid': Guy takes advantage of prime rib pricing blunder, manager tells him he has cost someone their job

'I have no interest': Guy makes up 'work emergency' to get out of a baby shower

'I have no interest [in] this baby': Guy makes up 'work emergency' lie to get out of a baby shower

'The customer decides when they are...ready to leave': Friend group divided over golfing etiquette

'The customer decides when they are...ready to leave': Friend group splits over golfing etiquette

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'My partner hasn't done a load of laundry in ten years': Wife takes vacation away from family, husband doesn't know what to do with himself

'I'm moving out': Woman demands 50% rent payment from roommate despite setting her bed up in living room, roommate moves out

'I'm moving out': Woman demands 50% rent payment from roommate despite setting her bed up in living room, roommate moves out

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'I got my neighbor evicted': Grad student snitches on his noisy neighbor to the HOA, getting him evicted as revenge for ruining his peace

'[You] accused them of stealing THEIR OWN PACKAGE': Neighbors face off over cats, dogs, and stolen packages

'[You] accused them of stealing THEIR OWN PACKAGE': Neighbors squabble over cats, dogs, and stolen packages, then one neighbor involves police

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‘[She] prioritizes jealousy over what’s best for the kids’: Toxic mom gets chewed out online for her immature actions after divorce

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'So many red flags': Boss insists salaried employee work on his house so that he 'doesn't have to pay'

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'Maybe I was a bit too harsh': Wife makes inedible home cooked meal for husband's birthday, husband calls her out, regrets his decision