

AITA for leaving my "friends" wedding when she told me I needed to cover up my psoriasis?

'Brides are going too far these days': Bridezilla asks friend to leave her wedding to cover up her psoriasis

Just because it's your wedding doesn't mean you can be the worst friend ever.
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AITA for giving my ex wife a large amount of money I won despite the anger of my gf?

'Next time you win the lottery, call your *current* girlfriend first': Lottery winner asks 'AITA?' for calling his ex-wife upon winning millions

If you won millions in the lotto, what's the first thing you would do? For many of us, our first instinct would be to call our immediate family and best friends to share the news! But this guy called his ex-wife right after his parents — and his actual current GF is steaming mad about it! Not only did this guy called his ex first , he offered her some of the money. While some people in the comments immediately began to question his motives, he makes it pretty clear: he had kids with his ex . He…
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AITA for not allowing BIL's family inside when they showed up unannounced?

'You sound like the only sane person in this entire narrative': Woman asks 'AITA?' for avoiding random late-night visit

Does your family ever show up to your house uninvited? And if so, what's the latest time they've ever shown up to your front door? This person wrote to r/AmItheA****** to ask about a tricky situation involving her husband's brother and family. Since they live two hours from each other, they don't see each other all the time. As the OP wrote on a throwaway account , the brother's family was in town for a celebration . That night the BIL, his wife, and their toddler showed up at the OP's house at…
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aita destructive lego kids brother hobby - 19289093

'The set has over 7,000 pieces': Guy demands sister replace expensive toy, but she tells him he's 'overreacting'

Hobbies take many shapes and sizes, from cooking to knitting to painting. This guy's hobby is collecting and building Lego kits, but unfortunately his family doesn't see his passion as a real hobby at all. In a post to r/AmItheA******, u/swlego_fan wrote about an incident that happened when he asked his sister, her husband, and their kid to keep an eye on his two dogs while traveling. The OP said he directed his nephew to a big box of Lego pieces for him to build and play with. The only thing t…
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aita bride traditional YTA bouquet wedding flowers bouquet toss - 19292933

'I thought I would get a chuckle from the crowd': Extreme cringe ensues as man embarrasses his new GF at family wedding

Immediately after introducing himself to his new girlfriend's family, this guy committed a wild wedding faux pas . Now, he's scratching his head, wondering if he was the bad guy in this situation. Perhaps he wasn't expecting to get roasted by r/AmItheA******, but he certainly did! As u/iWorkWithPlanes explained, he went to a wedding where his girlfriend's entire family was. After meeting everyone, the ceremony and reception commenced, and that was when the OP decided to lighten the mood, for so…
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AITA for asking my girlfriend to leave the house for 6-7 hours a day?

'I don't like when she's sitting in the same room as me': Guy asks 'AITA?' for making his GF get out of the house while he works

This dude lives with his GF, but in his own words he doesn't like spending time with her — especially when he's trying to work. Writer u/throwaway89348593479 asked the r/AmItheA****** forum if they think he's in the wrong for his work style. As the poster explained, he and his girlfriend live together in the USA, although the Canadian OP is set to return to his home country soon, causing him stress. He also works multiple jobs , basically working around the clock. At first, he claims he asked h…
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family drama aita sisters wife husband wedding family engagement reddit thread Reddit - 19278085

'Do you support me marrying Derrick?': Young twentysomething gets engaged after 6 months, cuts off sister for voicing concerns

Getting engaged after 6 months at 24 is going to raise some eyebrows.
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AITA for wanting to drop my friends after they turned me into a joke?

'Your friends are making a laughingstock of you': Teens play cruel prank on their 'friend' at restaurant

One teen wondered if they were the jerk for getting angry at their friend's bizarre joke. The r/AmItheA****** community quickly rallied to let this teen know that friends shouldn't treat you like this! The writer, u/Wrong_Possession_839, described a scenario that took place at a restaurant that left a huge divide between them and their friend group . In the comments, the writer also added a few extra details that helped people gain insight into the situation. As they wrote, the entire friend gr…
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AITA for asking my BFs brother for a chance of a iob when I'm desperate?

'He said I had a work ethic and attitude problem and I didn't get fired for nothing': Entitled woman demands job from BF's brother, keeps getting rejected

"Your own story makes me think you'd be a risk," one commenter told this entitled job-seeker . Sometimes Reddit posters on r/AmItheA****** don't give the whole story in their post, because this person has some serious issues with workplace behavior that she just brushes off. In this post, u/boasoas is asking if she's in the wrong for a situation that arose after she lost her job. Job loss is horrific, but you have to be strategic about your next moves. For this OP, she badgered her boyfriend's…
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AITA for pulling my daughter from a waterpark trip because her teacher made her stay with a kid she doesn't like?

'Teacher is a piece of work': Terrible teacher makes 9-year-old deal with difficult student on field trip, parents retaliate

If there's one universal truth in this world, it's that when there's a fight between a teacher and a parent, the parent will almost always come out on top.
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AITA for telling a girl to stop wasting food?

'All of your friends told you not to say something': College student asks 'AITA?' for questioning woman's cafeteria habit

One college student took to Reddit to ask if she was in the wrong for a cafeteria eating disagreement, and she probably didn't expect that people would end up calling her a bully! College cafeterias are a multipurpose space where you can dine with friends, chug a coffee while typing on your laptop, or eat alone while scrolling on your phone or doing homework. And of course, at many colleges, this is the main or only dining option — you can't just avoid the cafe. One OP posted to r/AmITheA******…
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AITA for putting blue hair dye in my shampoo without letting my family know?

'The result isn't pretty': Teenager uses sister's shampoo without permission, discovers there was blue hair dye in it

You know what they say: you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.
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AITA for sending my niece to go live with her other uncle?

'I told her to go pack a bag': Uncle kicks niece out of his house for a week to stay with her other uncle, gets roasted in the comments

This one is tough to call...
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AITA for telling my roommate that speaking a language is not a personality and she needs a new one?

'I told her she’s boring and has to fake her personality': Woman is jealous that her roommate speaks multiple languages, gets roasted online

Jealousy isn't a great personality either, my friend!
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'It's a good bonding opportunity, but you may have ruined it': Overprotective Mother Scorches Her New Boyfriend for Taking Her Teenaged Daughter on a Motorcycle

'That would be the last time they saw my kid': Overprotective Mother Scorches Her New Boyfriend for Taking Her Teenaged Daughter on a Motorcycle

Motorcycles are dangerous, everybody knows that. In fact, that's the reason why so many people think it's hot to ride a motorcycle. There's something about the complete lack of self preservation, danger, and rebellion that we feel when looking at a guy on a bike. But there's a line that can be crossed when it's no longer cool and rebellious to be on a bike and it's simply dangerous, scary, and reckless, especially when it comes to your teenager. One Redditor, a motorcyclist and part-time bad bo…
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AITA for saying my sister doesn't have to dictate what I do in my own home after she insisted on setting the table for dinner?

'That was insanely disrespectful of you': Woman gets annoyed at sister who made family dinner

Cooking is such a personal thing, especially when you're cooking nice warm meals for the family you love. You have to take the time to look up a recipe, write down all those ingredients, shop, chop it all up, and stand at the stove stirring everything together. The best part is when the meal turns out beautifully and you get to serve it to your hungry spouse , relatives, or kids. Of course, there are many differences between families and between how they share their meals together. Some people…
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