

'Last warning...': Aisle passenger disrespects man's personal space the entire flight and keeps closing the window to bother him, man settles the score once they land

'Last warning...': Aisle passenger disrespects man's personal space the entire flight and keeps closing the window to bother him, man settles the score once they land

It's crucial to learn flight etiquette before boarding an airplane. Proper flight etiquette comprises three distinct components, namely aisle and window manners, light on/off timing, and toilet passage. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated passenger. In order to enjoy the short cross-country flight, the Original Poster (OP) specifically reserved a window seat. But the aisle passenger continued to close the window shades, going against the wishes of OP and, in a way, depriving hi…
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Boss forces employee to take a red-eye home, he takes off the next day and leaves his boss scrambling: 'An $80 hotel stay could have avoided a far more costly loss'

Boss forces employee to take a red-eye home, he takes off the next day and leaves his boss scrambling: 'An $80 hotel stay could have avoided a far more costly loss'

Some people thrive on red-eye flights, while the rest of us are left trying to figure out how they do it. Personally speaking, I have never been able to get enough sleep on long flights especially red-eyes. Part of that is because for whatever reason, I am always seated next to a bathroom, a screaming child, or a sick passenger who will not stop sneezing or coughing. The fact that this boss thought it was a good idea to force his employee to take a red-eye says a whole lot about how he values t…
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'For the first time... he had nothing to say': Entitled passenger whines for an entire flight, gets confronted by fed-up passenger

'For the first time... he had nothing to say': Entitled passenger whines for an entire flight, gets confronted by fed-up passenger

Look, none of us wants to be at the airport , but if we have to be there, we may as well try to relax. You already know you might be delayed for four hours, so bring a book. If you don't want to be bored in the long TSA line snaking around the building, best to bring a podcast or some good music. U/traveler-veil did just that when they were traveling , and it helped them a little bit. It would've been a more effective distraction if someone could manage to shut their yapper for more than five s…
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'Girl [is] sleeping across all 5 seats in the cellphone charging section': 25 Times that airports were the worst part of the trip

'Girl [is] sleeping across all 5 seats in the cellphone charging section': 25 Times that airports were the worst part of the trip

Airports are one of those necessary evils in life. Sometimes you want to be zipping down a ski slope or splashing in some clear blue water at a beach somewhere. But in order to get there, you'll have to endure a few hours of airport nightmares . I can't begin to tell you how many fake cell phone chargers there are in our country's airports. Judging by the folks at r/mildlyinfuriating who shared pics of their latest airport adventures, people absolutely love to get stickers that look like chargi…
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Tall passenger receives flight upgrade after demanding neighbor forces pilot to step in and fix seating arrangements: 'I'll stop when I can put my seat back'

Passenger gets instant karma after demanding pilot step in and fix seating arrangements, prompting pilot to upgrade his neighbor instead: 'I'll stop when I can put my seat back'

When a Karen complains only to get hit with karma, all is good in the world. One very tall passenger relayed their story on r/maliciouscompliance, explaining the predicament they found themselves in when they boarded a plane and got in their seat, only to have the person in front of them recline their seat all the way back. The thing is, it was physically impossible Passenger gets instant karma after demanding pilot step in and fixes seating arrangements, prompting pilot to upgrade his neighbor…
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'[I made] his plane ride as unpleasant as possible': Passenger gets back at the Kevin in front of him for yelling at a crying baby

'[I made] his plane ride as unpleasant as possible': Passenger gets back at the Kevin in front of him for yelling at a crying baby

People can get easily annoyed on flights, but some things are simply out of everyone's control. If you're stuck in the middle seat, people are going to have to use the bathroom and you will inevitably have to move. It's no one's fault; it's literally human nature. Similarly, if there is a baby on a plane, the baby is bound to get upset and cry. That's what babies do and it's not necessarily the parents' fault. You would be just like them in their situation, so keep that in mind before you start…
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'Is this a prank?': Demanding couple ask business class passenger to switch seats, she agrees, only to find out they were seated in economy

'Is this a prank?': Demanding couple ask business class passenger to switch seats, she agrees, only to find out they were seated in economy

Funny stories about people who have entitlement complexes are common, and they keep us constantly reminded that reality never quite measures up to our expectations. That being said, the story that follows is that of a bewildered traveler. An attempt is made by the Original Poster (OP) to travel from Toronto to Vancouver in business class when a woman approaches OP as she is going about her own business and begs to trade seats with her so that she and her spouse can sit together. OP initially co…
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Flight passengers get territorial over the empty seat between them: 'This is war'

Flight passengers get territorial over the empty seat between them: 'This is war'

There is no sweet relief like the discovery that the empty seat next to you on the plane will remain empty for the duration of the flight… that is, unless you have to battle over the empty space with another passenger. The anticipation begins when you board the plane and realize there is no one in that adjacent seat yet. You pray and pray to whomever until the boarding process is complete. Once the flight attendant confirms that everyone has boarded the plane, you can relax and enjoy the fact t…
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Boss tries to take her employee's first class seat upgrade: 'She wanted to talk to me about my lack of respect for protocol'

Boss tries to take her employee's first class seat upgrade: 'She wanted to talk to me about my lack of respect for protocol'

It's almost inevitable that traveling with your boss will lead to an uncomfortable situation. These unforeseen circumstances typically cannot be prevented, but at the end of the day, you're forced to navigate a cringeworthy dynamic with your employer that will make returning to the office after the work trip all the more bizarre and challenging. These cringe moments can include an odd quirk or eccentricity you learn about your boss or your boss learns about you. For instance, I once had a boss…
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‘He’s coming with us': Woman demands friends leave their toddler at home after organizing a vacation together, leading to a dispute

‘He’s coming with us': Woman demands friends leave their toddler at home after organizing a vacation together, leading to a dispute

Some people really don't like kids. For instance, this person, who OP calls Zoe. She disliked kids so much that she would avoid them at all costs. That became impossible after OP and her friends (which included Zoe) organized a trip together to meet another friend 2 States away. At first, it seemed like OP wouldn't need to take their toddler with them, but as time went on and a few complicated situations arose, they realized that they didn't have a choice. Look, if you've got a kid, and the tri…
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'She won...': Passenger on a short flight is sat next to woman who proceeds to portray the epitome of ‘bad’ airplane edict

'She won...': Passenger on a short flight is sat next to woman who proceeds to portray the epitome of ‘bad’ airplane edict

If the airline industry needed a poster child for what “bad airplane edict” looked like, they found one. Sometimes it is simply mindblowing how impolite and utterly repulsive someone can be. Like, can you not see what you are doing? You are very obviously acting like a child, but you are a grown adult. Do you not know that you are a grown adult and are expected to act as thus? What a world…
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air travel flight attendant pilots pilot airline traveling airplanes airplane customer service karens karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 23971589

Karen accosts flight attendant, scraps with pilot, gets kicked off plane

It's often the case that love blossoms from the most unexpected places, and you might think it surprising that this couple, a flight attendant and a pilot, would bond over a confrontation with an entitled Karen. The Karen was demanding that the flight attendant upgrade her to first class, mistaking her for a gate agent. This escalated to a point where the pilot of the flight, who was passing by for boarding, felt the need to step in. In her fury, Karen attempted to lash out at the pilot, which…
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'I politely told her [no]… She kept yelling:' Karen mom thinks son is entitled to window seat during flight, demands unwilling woman switches with her, flight attendants put her in her place

If you have ever flown before, then you should be well aware of the in-flight edict. You can try and pull the ‘ole switcheroos with seating, nobody is really against that. But you need to approach it with zero expectations. You are not entitled to that seat switch. And if you are considering asking someone to switch seats with you, then you have to come to them with an upgrade, not a window seat for a middle, or ask for a front seat with more legroom and offer a middle seat by the bathrooms. Li…
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Mom insists business traveller give up her first-class seat: 'I didn't think it was fair'

Mom insists business traveller give up her first-class seat: 'I didn't think it was fair'

Bringing a four-year-old on a flight with you will require some planning in advance. At the tender age of four, most kids just cannot sit still for the duration of a plane ride . At that age, children want to run around and play until they drop. Sitting still and being quiet aren't usually in a kid's skill set at that age. That's why many parents find themselves stocking up on snacks and charging up their iPad before they head to the airport. At least a lot of planes nowadays offer personal TV…
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'Pilot: "I'm not flying this"': Airline industry workers share the wildest things they've ever seen

The ordeal of air travel opens the doorway for some insane behaviors. You have groups of complete strangers who are collectively sleep-deprived, stressed, and overstimulated, crammed into far-too-small spaces for far too long. Air travelers usually have a lot riding on the success of their trip, too, and literally can't afford for things to go sideways, with holidaygoers having spent their literal life savings and cashed in all of their PTO in order to make this trip work—usually also facing un…
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'What is wrong with you?': Male Karen wakes up seatmate for playing loud music, causes commotion on flight

'What is wrong with you?': Male Karen wakes up seatmate for playing loud music, causes commotion on flight

People's perceptions of plane etiquette seem to changing, and this story clearly serves as evidence of the friction between passengers. If you were seated next to someone who was playing loud music, you probably would be slightly annoyed but the truth is in this day and age, everyone is playing music throughout the flight. The air pressure also makes it pretty hard to hear the music of your neighbor, especially if you're also listening to something. I'm just saying: slightly loud music surely i…
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