
karens flight attendant flight karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen airplane entitled people - 38252549

'Let me see your boarding pass': Karen tries to steal passenger's seat and make him sit in her middle seat for 100% full 3 hour flight

Siblings family drama family dynamics Brother sister Father air travel airplane travel Airport sibling rivalry

29-year-old woman refuses to sit next to 35-year-old brother on return flight from grandmother's funeral, sparking disagreement: '[Must a] family that travels together [...] sit together?'

'I want the window! I want the window!': Entitled 6-year-old tries to force passenger out of her assigned seat on plane, passenger won't budge

'I want the window! I want the window!': Entitled 6-year-old tries to force passenger out of her assigned seat on plane, passenger won't budge

Entitled family makes nice lady play musical chairs on a holiday weekend flight, just to be outed as liars who aren't sitting in their assigned seats: ‘I paid for it. It’s mine’

Entitled family makes nice passenger play musical chairs on a holiday weekend flight, only to be outed as liars who aren't sitting in their assigned seats: ‘I paid for it. It’s mine’

 Flight flights Airport seats flying seating passenger airplane plane bags bag malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit Tags

'Petty airport security overdoes it': Power-tripping airport security employee has to "bite his tongue" after traveler outsmarts him

Seat stealer gets called out by passenger on packed flight during chaotic takeoff: ''This isn't a bus!'

Seat stealer gets called out by passenger on packed flight during chaotic takeoff: 'This isn't a bus!'

 Flight flights flying passenger airplane plane aita family family drama

'[I'm] not buying my wife a plane ticket': Spouse refuses to let wife go on vacation while she recovers from high debt

29-year-old refuses to give up first class seat to pregnant woman on 10-hour flight: 'Her discomfort wasn't my responsibility'

29-year-old refuses to give up first-class seat to pregnant woman on 10-hour flight: 'Her discomfort wasn't my responsibility'

‘Her face burning red with embarrassment’: Karen tries to swipe aisle seat from rightful paying owner, gets tricked into leaving and satisfyingly shamed

‘Her face burning red with embarrassment’: Karen tries to swipe aisle seat from rightful paying owner, gets tricked into leaving and satisfyingly shamed

CEO takes 1.5 hour Zoom call mid-6AM flight, refuses to use headphones and passenger wonders if this is tolerable behavior

Fortune 25 CEO takes 1.5 hour Zoom call on a 6 AM flight, passenger claims he refused to use headphones and spoke with an ‘I'm the eldest boy’ level of volume: ‘Is this okay?’

'I kept this up for the 4 hour flight': Passenger gets even after entitled seatmate takes up too much space on flight

'I kept this up for the 4 hour flight': Passenger gets even after entitled seatmate takes up too much space on flight

Entitled 18-year-old and Karen Mom keep kicking airplane passenger's seat during the whole flight, he gets even when it's time to deplane: 'Patience is a virtue'

Entitled 18-year-old and Karen Mom keep kicking airplane passenger's seat during the whole flight, he gets even when it's time to deplane: 'Patience is a virtue'

‘They held up an entire flight’: Entitled family causes massive line at airport as they demand to check in 16 bags, leading to a dispute when the flight gets delayed

‘They held up an entire flight’: Entitled family causes massive line at airport as they demand to check in 16 bags, leading to a dispute when the flight gets delayed

malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee Retail customer service customers customer customer support flights travel

Passenger throws tantrum after missing flight, gets booked for flight 12 hours later by disgruntled gate agent: '[She] deliberately and deservedly made him wait for 12 hours'

'If they had just been a little kinder I would have let them know': Impatient Karens push passenger at security, then forget their laptop

'If they had just been a little kinder I would have let them know': Impatient Karens push passenger at security, then forget their laptop

Entitled Karen gets owned after she assumes she is ‘The Most Important Person on the Plane’, fellow passenger retaliates in an "everybody clapped‘ moment

‘First class Karen‘ goes haywire when other passengers share the overhead bin above her seat, fellow traveler amusingly retaliates with one sentence