
 Flight flights Airport seats flying seating passenger airplane plane

Early-morning airplane passenger tries to get entire row of seats to herself: 'You’re never obligated to move'

Employee gets upgraded to first class on business trip, leaving furious boss in coach: 'She thinks [...] I should’ve given her the first class seat'

Employee gets upgraded to first class on business trip, leaving furious boss in coach: 'She thinks [...] I should’ve given her the first class seat'

 airport flight seating seats askreddit plane passenger entitled flights airplane entitled people flying

20+ Flight attendants who clashed with their entitled passengers: 'I know there's a call button there, but don't ring it 15 million times'

 airplane plane perfume seats seat passenger flight mildly infuriating stories

Oblivious woman sprays perfume on airplane, passenger confronts her: 'I'm enveloped in a... sweet cloud'

 neighbors smell burger seating seats plane smelly Travel airplane flight fried fast food Tags

Entitled plane passenger demands seatmate get rid of their meal: 'I finally told her... she's out of luck'

‘Not all disabilities are visible… Merry Christmas!’: Stroke survivor pre-boards his flight while traveling for the holidays, impatient mother shames him for moving too slowly

‘Not all disabilities are visible… Merry Christmas!’: Stroke survivor pre-boards his flight while traveling for the holidays, impatient mother shames him for moving too slowly

'[I was] framed as some seat squatter': 19 Times the tables turned and the flight attendant was actually the Karen during a flight

'[I was] framed as some seat squatter': 19 Times the tables turned and the flight attendant was actually the Karen during a flight

karens flight attendant flight karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen airplane entitled people - 38252549

'Let me see your boarding pass': Karen tries to steal passenger's seat and make him sit in her middle seat for 100% full 3 hour flight

Siblings family drama family dynamics Brother sister Father air travel airplane travel Airport sibling rivalry

29-year-old woman refuses to sit next to 35-year-old brother on return flight from grandmother's funeral, sparking disagreement: '[Must a] family that travels together [...] sit together?'

'I want the window! I want the window!': Entitled 6-year-old tries to force passenger out of her assigned seat on plane, passenger won't budge

'I want the window! I want the window!': Entitled 6-year-old tries to force passenger out of her assigned seat on plane, passenger won't budge

Entitled family makes nice lady play musical chairs on a holiday weekend flight, just to be outed as liars who aren't sitting in their assigned seats: ‘I paid for it. It’s mine’

Entitled family makes nice passenger play musical chairs on a holiday weekend flight, only to be outed as liars who aren't sitting in their assigned seats: ‘I paid for it. It’s mine’

 Flight flights Airport seats flying seating passenger airplane plane bags bag malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit Tags

'Petty airport security overdoes it': Power-tripping airport security employee has to "bite his tongue" after traveler outsmarts him

Seat stealer gets called out by passenger on packed flight during chaotic takeoff: ''This isn't a bus!'

Seat stealer gets called out by passenger on packed flight during chaotic takeoff: 'This isn't a bus!'

 Flight flights flying passenger airplane plane aita family family drama

'[I'm] not buying my wife a plane ticket': Spouse refuses to let wife go on vacation while she recovers from high debt

29-year-old refuses to give up first class seat to pregnant woman on 10-hour flight: 'Her discomfort wasn't my responsibility'

29-year-old refuses to give up first-class seat to pregnant woman on 10-hour flight: 'Her discomfort wasn't my responsibility'

‘Her face burning red with embarrassment’: Karen tries to swipe aisle seat from rightful paying owner, gets tricked into leaving and satisfyingly shamed

‘Her face burning red with embarrassment’: Karen tries to swipe aisle seat from rightful paying owner, gets tricked into leaving and satisfyingly shamed

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