

Men describe the various ways that they simply refuse to grow up.

Men Describe The Ways That They Refuse To Grow Up

Growing up gets old after a while.
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A collection of helpful life pro tips that could come in handy.

Helpful Life Pro Tips That Could Come In Handy

Love us some life pro tips.
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A new mom asks her husband to stop posting on social media about how he's so exhausted all the time.

New Mom Asks Husband To Stop Social Media Posting About Exhaustion

Parenting is no small feat.
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A collection of the strangest and dumbest things that adults have believed in.

Strangest/Dumbest Things Adults Believed

These are far out.
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People describe various adult problems that they definitely weren't ready for.

Adult Problems That People Definitely Weren't Ready For

Adulting can be quite the challenge.
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A collection of the most illogical things that people's parents insist on doing.

Most Illogical Things People's Parents Do

Well, that's awesome and nonsensical.
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cooking tips from chefs | porkedpie1 10.5k points 1 day ago edited 20 hours ago Three or four times amount butter and salt is big part why food doesn't taste like restaurant food.

Chefs Share Basic Cooking Tips for The Masses

Become flavor..
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A collection of things that got way harder as people got older reddit thread | Rockettokojiro monkey bars

Things That Got Way Harder With Age

Literal growing pains.
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A collection of funny parenting memes that hit the spot |  HALF ASLEEP AND CHILD IS STANDING NEXT BED STARING AT Harry Potter professor Snape looking scared

Parenting Memes For All The Exhausted Adults

Parenting is not a game.
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A Tumblr thread with various life hacks to adult effectively | Some shit about life bonafide adult even if get along great with family will get along even better with them after moving out generic is almost always just as good as name brand. But there are some things never buy generic, including: peanut butter, ketchup, liquid NyQuil, Chips- Ahoy chewy chocolate chip cookies just imagine person on other end phone hates talking on phone as much as do. Even receptionist worked as one and hate talk

Tumblr Thread: Life Hacks To Adult Effectively

Adulting is overrated, but we've gotta do it.
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A collection of ridiculous things that people had to explain to adults | Its-my-dick box 16h Jurassic Park wasn't real place wish joking. Reply 6.1k

Ridiculous Things Explained To Adults

Growing up is hard.
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Stupidly Basic things adults didn't know | ReddishWedding2018 40.1k points 16 hours ago edited 16 hours ago friend who pushing 40 had never paid bill before. She had gone living with her parents living dorm living with her parents again until she got married, then she got divorced and living on her own first time. Got text her asking if my power out too, then she realized just her. Her excuse she never paid attention bills because she thought they were "receipts" and cost included her rent. Her

Embarrassingly Basic Stuff Adults Didn't Know

Oh man.
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Things people didn't expect about being an adult | Chaseybabe 19.9k points 12 hours ago many adults actually dislike younger thought my parents liked all our neighbours, all my teachers, all my coaches, etc since found out they thought most people were morons kind like do.

Factors People Didn't Anticipate about Adulthood

There are a lot of elements that are hard to expect.
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Moments that people realized they weren't kids anymore | letionbard 15h some doctors or teachers are younger than Reply 1 2.3k

Moments People Realized They Weren't Kids Anymore

To be a kid again.
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Adult life equivalents to calling the teacher "mom" | nice_strada 1y 3 1 Award Walking up wrong car and freaking out can't unlock

Adult Life Equivalents Of Calling A Teacher "Mom"

Accidental silly nonsense is wonderful.
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A collection of memes and tweets about the struggles of adulting | tweet by Mrs. Math Teacher @MrsMathTeachr Baby boomers blame millennials everything BUT WHO PUT CARPET OVER ALL THESE HARDWOOD FLOORS PATRICIA 5/3/18, 8:36 am

Memes And Tweets About Adulting Struggles

The adulting life is filled with struggles.
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