
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

Woman does Disney Channel Intro and blasts beer into face

"Disney Channel Intro" Goes Wrong

Rick Astley rickroll reacts to weather man awkward cringe

Weather Presenter Says He Isn't Rick Astley Fan, Rick Is Listening

funny fail compilation skateboarding down a staircase blowing into a toilet paper roll

Success! Or Fail - Episode One

pro wrestler Madonna entrance song

Wrestler Uses Madonna For Entrance Song, Crowd Loves It

Video of Pixar Logo from perspective of the I

Being the "I" in the Pixar Logo

ridiculous wild voice reporting on a news report

Reporter's Voice Takes Wild News Report To Next Level

Keanu Reeves interview Bill and Ted conspiracy theories

Interviewer Mixes Up Keanu Reeves' Character, Loses All Cred

US South Korea marine dance off

US Marines Have Dance Off With South Korean Marines

Eric Andre funny interview

Eric Andre Takes Interview Off The Rails

Tony Hawk kick flip skateboarding funny video

Tony Hawk Yells "Do A Kick Flip" At Skateboarders

computer advertisement from the 90s

Throwback Thursday: Buying A Computer In 1994

farting seal video

Seal Cuts One While Looking Directly At Camera

marines singing to flight attendant during plane ride Sweet Caroline

Marines Returning Home Sing To Flight Attendant

Homer Simpson voice actor Dan Castellaneta

Dan Castellaneta On Voicing Homer Simpson

gaming stream fail streamer misses basic game functions

Streamer Invests 95 Hours In Game, Then Discovers Tutorial Level

Dave Grohl drum battle challenge with young girl drummer Nandi Bushell

Dave Grohl Surprises Girl With Special Song For Her