
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

paramedic using a jetpack to get around mountain scenery air ambulance service

Paramedic Mountain Response With A Jetpack

astronomy argument is the moon a star or a planet

QVC Hosts Argue If Moon Is A Planet Or Star

Jeopardy contestant that sounds like Batman

Jeopardy Contestant Answers Batman Question With Bane Voice

Video of what's in abandoned shipping container

Dudes Find Random Shipping Container Full of Cigarettes

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Humanity is Doomed and We’re Laughing All the Way - The FAILBlog Clip Show

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Park Ranger Dances With His Coworkers

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Bird Laughs Just Like A Super Villain

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Iguana Chase By Killer Snakes

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Massive Iceberg Nearly Takes Out Ice Climbers

what it looks like inside a ship cabin during a storm rocking turbulence

Video Portrays Life On Ship When Boat Rocks

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Man Transforms Rusty Nail Into Mini Sword

biker guy overreacts offended by strong handshake

Obnoxious Biker Gets Offended By Strong Handshake

stand up comedian roasting his dad

Comic Invites Dad To His First Set, Proceeds To Roast Him

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Quick Rundown On What To Expect With Wolf Encounter

husband caught by wife trashing her cooking

Husband Gets Caught Trash Talking Wife's Chili

Sally Pearson athlete wholesome interview

Aussie Woman Gives Wholesome Sports Interview