
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

cringey TV news reporter attempts to speak in slang

TV News Reporters Try To Be Hip

cringeworthy performance company corporate concert fail

Employees Forced To Listen To Terrible Corporate Concert

shark tank genius teen entrepreneur impressive

15-Year-Old Entrepreneur Impresses Investors

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John Mayer Struggles To Find Note, Then Nails It

Heart survives helicopter crash and is then dropped by staff

Donor Heart Makes It Through Helicopter Crash, Staff Drops It

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Burt Reynolds Surprises Young Fan, Lets Them Wear His Jacket

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Customer States Turn Signal Is Broken, It's Definitely Not

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Compilation Of Every Time Dad Says "Huh?"

funny story by blind comedian about neighbor

Blind Comedian Tells Story Of Time He Thought Neighbor Ignored Him

News report on Florida abstinence video game

The Time a Florida University Developed a $430,000 Abstinence Game

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Girl On Halloween Leaves Her Own Candy For Other Kids

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Jazz Guy Documents Ripping of Mario Lick

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Dad Takes Nerf War Very Seriously

video game Oblivion npc in real life

Rambling New Yorker Is A Real Life Oblivion NPC

skinny guy can lift an impressive weight by himself

Skinny Man Can Carry Multiple Gallons Of Water At Once

Dave Grohl tells funny story from tour

Dave Grohl Tells Jane Kennedy The Greatest Story Ever