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Man's Accent And Enthusiasm For Bologna Sandwich Is Legendary

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Which of these US. Presidents appeared on the television series Laugh In? Lyndon Johnson Jimmy Carter Richard Nixon Gerald Ford

John Carpenter Wins "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire", Calls Dad, Feels Ensue

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Canopener Bridge Claims Countless Trucks That Underestimate It

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The BEST FAIL VIDEOS of November 2020

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Criss Angel's Ridiculously Fake Grand Canyon Jump

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Research Vessel Encounters Massive Sperm Whale, They Lose It

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Streamer Cr1tikal Pulls $15K Pokemon card, Girlfriend Ruins Vibe

Batman Begins movie trailer presenting it as a romantic comedy

ABC Family Markets Batman Begins As Light-Hearted Romance

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Gordon Ramsay Fails Making Pasta, Friend Roasts Him

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15-Year-Old Calls Into Radio Station, Hilarity Ensues

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Radio Hosts Find Greatest Bloke In World Through Prank Job Reference

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5 Movies That Become Insane With Swapped Genders

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Weather Forecast In Different British And Irish Accents

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Golfer Skips Ball Off Pond For Hole In One

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Ronald McDonald Notices a Fart

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FAILBlog Presents: Success or Fail