
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Fast food worker quits without notice, manager tries to get away with paying minimum wage for his final paycheck: 'The pay is still void because there was no two week notice'

Fast food worker quits without notice, manager tries to get away with paying minimum wage for his final paycheck: 'The pay is still void because there was no two week notice'

Stepdad hides 17-year-old stepdaughter's passport to exclude her from family trip, wife discovers truth and loses it: 'I screamed my head off at him then canceled the whole trip'

Stepdad hides 17-year-old stepdaughter's passport to exclude her from family trip, wife discovers truth and loses it: 'I screamed my head off at him then canceled the whole trip'

‘Why did you went through my belongings?’: Employee leaves her paychecks on personal office desk, only to discover her coworker found and showed them to the rest of the office

‘Why did you went through my belongings?’: Employee leaves her paychecks on personal office desk, only to discover her coworker found and showed them to the rest of the office

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'Just find me in the system!': Boomer refuses to share their name at the doctor's office to schedule an appointment, gripes about the receptionist's ability to search for their 'account' without any info

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Cyclist serves up instant karma on a road-raging lunatic after he nearly causes a bike crash: 'I could see him raging and banging his steering wheel'

Cranky neighbor crashes kid's birthday party to complain about parking, they get her back by blocking her driveway: 'Ok, I'll block parking in front of your house'

Cranky neighbor crashes kid's birthday party to complain about parking, they get her back by blocking her driveway: 'Ok, I'll block parking in front of your house'

‘How do I get out of this?’: Job candidate lies to hiring manager about having a counteroffer to get a higher salary, leading to manager asking for proof of the offer

‘How do I get out of this?’: Job candidate lies to hiring manager about having a counteroffer to get a higher salary, leading to manager asking for proof of the offer

'He can't justify giving me a raise': Two-faced boss gives employee glowing mid-year review, then denies him a raise for not going "above and beyond"

'He can't justify giving me a raise': Two-faced boss gives employee glowing mid-year review, then denies him a raise for not going "above and beyond"

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25 Employees share the best jobs they've ever had: 'I do about 10-15 hours of actual work a week'

‘Boy, was I tickled pink': Couple who's lived in their home 15 years gets a 4-page passive aggressive plea to join the HOA for $70 a month, clearly turns them down

‘Boy, was I tickled pink': Couple who's lived in their home 15 years gets a 4-page passive aggressive plea to join the HOA for $70 a month, turns them down

'You probably don't remember me, but I waited on you about a year ago...': Server runs into Karen customer a year after her outburst, gives her a taste of her own medicine

'You probably don't remember me, but I waited on you about a year ago...': Server runs into Karen customer a year after her outburst, gives her a taste of her own medicine

After learning that micromanager monitors workers with the help of surveillance cameras and recorders, employee turns to reddit for advice

After learning that micromanager monitors workers with the help of surveillance cameras and recorders, employee turns to reddit for advice

Top 10+ embarrassing work stories: 'I thought no one else was there!'

Top 10+ embarrassing work stories: 'I thought no one else was there!'

'People want those crates!': Karen sewing circle starts drama demanding empty wine crates without having to buy any bottles, store clerk faces their wrath

'People want those crates!': Karen sewing circle starts drama demanding empty wine crates without having to buy any bottles, store clerk faces their wrath

‘I was their scapegoat’: Overworked employee confronts boss after they fire him for no reason, boss claims it was to teach the other employees a lesson

‘I was their scapegoat’: Overworked employee confronts boss after they fire him for no reason, boss claims it was to teach the other employees a lesson

'I'm done with this': Cranky grandpa throws temper tantrum after getting called out for cutting the popcorn line at the movie theater

'I'm done with this': Cranky grandpa throws temper tantrum after getting called out for cutting the popcorn line at the movie theater