
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Boss's team loses in the Super Bowl, calls in sick and dumps all his work on employee: 'I am super sad but I'm working through it!'

Boss's team loses in the Super Bowl, calls in sick and dumps all his work on employee: 'I am super sad but I'm working through it!'

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'Best dollar I've ever wasted': Entitled Karen demands 'handouts' after a generous gas station patron gives money to a beggar, hilarious pettiness ensues

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Employee accidentally sends a steamy love letter to their boss instead of their girlfriend in a classic Valentine's Day mixup: 'I accidentally confessed my undying love'

'She started counting very fast from 1-10 [...] I cracked up laughing': Manager with anger issues fires server over hash browns order

'She started counting very fast from 1-10 [...] I cracked up laughing': Manager with anger issues fires server over hash browns order

Entitled Costco Kevin cuts the line, gets booted to the back: 'When your enemy is making a mistake, let them'

Entitled Costco Kevin cuts the line, gets booted to the back: 'When your enemy is making a mistake, let them'

Update: 'That's the end of my narcissistic boss': Boss gets fired after dishwashing malicious compliance

Update: 'That's the end of my narcissistic boss': Boss gets fired after dishwashing malicious compliance

‘I can’t give you a key to someone else's room': Guest demands access to hotel room despite reservation not being under his name, front desk clerk refuses to give him a key, leading to a dispute

‘I can’t give you a key to someone else's room': Guest demands access to hotel room despite reservation not being under his name, front desk clerk refuses to give him a key, leading to a dispute

Traveler forced to unpack every single box after customs officer cleverly complies with his demands to 'proceed by the book'

Traveler forced to unpack every single box after customs officer cleverly complies with his demands to 'proceed by the book'

Toxic CEO leaves unhinged response to Glassdoor review: 'I'm sure Mommy wants you out of her basement by now':

Toxic CEO leaves unhinged response to Glassdoor review: 'I'm sure Mommy wants you out of her basement by now':

'That's not even my job': Woman demands delivery guy shovel snow from her driveway, he decides to leave her a snowy message instead

'That's not even my job': Woman demands delivery guy shovel snow from her driveway, he decides to leave her a snowy message instead

‘I will never work for people like you’: Manager offers candidate a job after initial hire falls through, as payback she takes the job but doesn't show up to work

‘I will never work for people like you’: Manager offers candidate a job after initial hire falls through, as payback she takes the job but doesn't show up to work

'[He] spent almost $1300 on these girls': Woman discovers so-called 'frugal' boyfriend's infidelity, gets even while he's on vacation

'[He] spent almost $1300 on these girls': Woman discovers so-called 'frugal' boyfriend's infidelity, gets even while he's on vacation

'Most opinions can be kept to yourself': 20+ unwritten rules about adulting

'Most opinions can be kept to yourself': 20+ unwritten rules about adulting

'Devoted' graphic designer refuses to take accountability for botched project, declaring: 'It's the customers who are at fault, not the design'

'Devoted' graphic designer refuses to take accountability for botched project, declaring: 'It's the customers who are at fault, not the design'

'Well...we're a startup': Candidate calls toxic boss out during interview for not paying his employees OT, withdraws application

'Well...we're a startup': Candidate calls toxic boss out during interview for not paying his employees OT, withdraws application

family drama dogs petty-revenge-reddit sisters petty revenge petty reddit thread Reddit Cats funny - 24422917

Woman Makes Her Cats Meow All Night To Get Back at Her Sister for Her Noisy Dogs