
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

20 strange habits people discovered after moving in with their significant others: 'He would bite his nails and drop the little pieces all over the apartment!'

20 strange habits people discovered after moving in with their significant others: 'He would bite his nails and drop the little pieces all over the apartment!'

Small Business Owner Captures the Moment She Puts an Entitled Karen Customer in Her Place Over the Phone at 9 PM at Night: '[This is] NOT a skit... Unfortunately'

Small Business Owner Captures the Moment She Puts an Entitled Karen Customer in Her Place Over the Phone at 9 PM at Night: '[This is] NOT a skit... Unfortunately'

'An especially egregious occurrence:' Handicap driver reports truck blocking 8 handicap parking spots, truck driver hits a pole mid-complaint while trying to make his getaway

'An especially egregious occurrence:' Handicap driver reports truck blocking 8 handicap parking spots, truck driver hits a pole mid-complaint while trying to make his getaway

'I told the head of HR that no one cares about his survey': Employee ruins his chance at a promotion by accidentally badmouthing company survey to HR's face

'I told the head of HR that no one cares about his survey': Employee ruins his chance at a promotion by accidentally badmouthing company survey to HR's face

reddit family family-drama drama story moving-out moving rommates cousin aunt uncle kids brother siblings relatable family-stories family-tree relatable dad sister mom cousins parents freeloading

'[They] regret moving out': Freeloading family gets a taste of the real world after refusing to pitch in for groceries and bills

'You never have your wallet when I need it': Mooching coworker gets called out and fired, blocks her work wife on social media

'You never have your wallet when I need it': Mooching coworker gets called out and fired, blocks her work wife on social media

'He escaped consequences': 10+ court fails where lawyers found loopholes and judges threw out the cases

'He escaped consequences': 10+ court fails where lawyers found loopholes and judges threw out the cases

‘She was powerless against us’: Flatmates force entitled roommate to move out by shutting down the electricity whenever she is home

‘She was powerless against us’: Flatmates force entitled roommate to move out by shutting down the electricity whenever she is home

Tenant increased apartment value by tending to neglected garden, landlord attempts to ‘kick’ tenant out to profit from the fruits of his labor

Tenant increased apartment value by tending to neglected garden, landlord attempts to ‘kick’ tenant out to profit from the fruits of his labor

Boss takes server's tips for himself under claims he hasn't 'earned them', servers builds a case to report boss: 'He won't get away with this'

Boss takes server's tips for himself under claims he hasn't 'earned them', servers builds a case to report boss: 'He won't get away with this'

'How do you like them apples?': Band gets even with cranky old neighbor, retrieving the apples he stole, and letting them rot

'How do you like them apples?': Band gets even with cranky old neighbor, retrieving the apples he stole, and letting them rot

Entitled Karen Mom throws her own 40th birthday, then has an outburst at her husband and kids in front of guests: 'My plans put theirs to shame'

Entitled Karen Mom throws her own 40th birthday, then has an outburst at her husband and kids in front of guests: 'My plans put theirs to shame'

Employee gets fired for taking recycled computer mouse nobody was using: 'It’s against company policy to take things from the electronics bin'

Employee gets fired for taking recycled computer mouse nobody was using: 'It’s against company policy to take things from the electronics bin'

Shopper shopping grocery groceries Karen payback deserve Aldi deserves quarter funny petty lol Karens story reddit

Grocery Shopper Gets $.25 Cent Payback on an Entitled Karen by Commandeering Her Cart

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‘I sneezed and my back swore at me’: Gen X cringes over the realization that they're not young anymore

‘Sweet sweet victory’: Housemate settles score with cheapskate roommate who refuses to pay the bills by filling up the entire house with bubbles

‘Sweet sweet victory’: Housemate settles score with cheapskate roommate who refuses to pay the bills by filling up the entire house with bubbles