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Witty Work Memes for Weekday Soldiers With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (May 17, 2023)

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job toxic-boss Office reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20412421

'You amuse yourself in little petty ways': Underappreciated office manager sabotages photocopy machine with a paperclip

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Relatable Work Memes for Burnt Out Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (April 10, 2023)

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20 Distracting Work From Home Memes for Pajamafied Employees With ADHD

boss workplace-stories work stories malicious compliance coworkers Office reddit thread Reddit - 19968005

'I told you to throw that chair away': Boss demands that employee's squeaky chair be taken out of the office, cue malicious compliance

workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace Office workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19965701

‘The work I did wasn’t on him, it was on you’: Leadership tries to block employee from opportunities, he ends up with a more senior position than them

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Best Corporate Memes for Office Plebs Who Can't Stand Another Day in Their Cubicle

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Relatable Work Memes for Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (March 14, 2023)

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Funniest Work Memes for Corporate Millennials That Are Underpaid and Overworked (March 8, 2023)

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20+ Funniest Work From Home Memes for Antisocial Employees Who Love Daytime Pajamas and Having Their Pets As Coworkers (March 9, 2023)

You want the situation to be escalated to management ? Bet. Might f*** up your employment chances though

'Me: 1, Karen: 0': Karen bullies office receptionist on her way to job interview, receptionist gets revenge

Company-wide email + 30,000 emplovees + auto-responders

'The email systems melted down. Everything went offline': Completely clueless employee emails 30,000 people about an apartment, spawning thousands of emails

Everybody must know when I am out of office.

'He is the laughing stock of everybody he ever respected': IT worker in charge of CEO's email triggers an email apocalypse

Do not leave your classroom without asking permission.

'I walked down to the office later that day with the biggest grin on my face': Teacher complies with school's annoying new rules, administration is caught off guard

‘Sorry to Break It to You, Our Work Culture Sucks’ : 20 Funniest Memes for the Broke Crowd Who Live for the Weekend

‘Sorry to Break It to You, Our Work Culture Sucks’ : 20 Funniest Memes for the Broke Crowd Who Live for the Weekend

lunch thief, office drama, gossip, fail, stolen, security cameras, truth, caught on camera, workplace, work

'This is a tale of tragedy, treachery, suspense, and triumph': Office security camera footage reveals dramatic secrets of a stolen lunch