'I very sternly requested that they arrest my mother': 20+ Kids who called 911 for the silliest reasons

'I very sternly requested that they arrest my mother': 20+ Kids who called 911 for the silliest reasons

'He caught a raccoon and didn't know what to do next': 30+ Reasons people called emergency help lines when they really shouldn't have

'He caught a raccoon and didn't know what to do next': 30+ Hilarious reasons people called emergency help lines

Funny Reddit Thread: Entitled/Nosy Karens Call the Police Over Rejected Phone Calls

Funny Reddit Thread: Entitled/Nosy Karens Call the Police Over Rejected Phone Calls

AITA for calling the police on my fiance?

Man Calls Police on Fiancé For Not Returning Home, We Suspect Cheating

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Wacky Reasons People Called 911

A collection of the funniest 911 calls that operators have ever received. | que_he_hecho Woman called report seeing shark ocean. Yes, ma'am is where keep them.

Funniest 911 Calls Operators Have Received

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16 Dumb Reasons People Called 911

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Jon Stewart Breaks Down Over Gift From 9/11 First Responders

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Heroic Little Girl Calls 911 To Save Dad's Life And Her Conversation's Cracking Everyone Up

Girl Posts Picture of a Young Katy Perry On Facebook and Pretends It's a Relative Who Died in 9/11

Girl Posts Picture of a Young Katy Perry On Facebook and Pretends It's Her Sister Who Died in 9/11

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18 Incredibly Stupid Things That Caused People to Call 911

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Is That Admissible in Court as a Confession?

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After Claiming He Would Have Stopped 9/11 Attacks, Twitter Had a Field Day Speculating What Else Trump *Would* Have Prevented on #ThingsTrumpWouldHaveStopped

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You'll (Probably) Never Forget This Patriotically-Offensive Mattress Sale Commercial

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A Florida Walmart Invites Hatred and Memes With a Tacky 9/11 Soda Display

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Do You Believe Me Now?

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