

reviews review 1-star-review customer support customer service workplace-stories job malicious compliance retail work customers customer workplace - 2287367

'Why am I not surprised you wrote this?': Karen's undeserved 1-star review gets picked apart by the restaurant's owner

Dealing with entitled customers is one of the most challenging parts of customer service jobs, especially when those entitled customers continue to come back despite insisting they're not going to. Handling their behavior just isn't worth it, no matter how much money they spend. That's why we love to see when a business owner stands up for themselves and sets the record straight—responding matter-of-factly to an unjust 1-star review from an entitled customer.
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customer service server waiter karen-customer customers waiting 1-star-review restaurant customer talesfromyourserver food service service entitled tales from your server karen service industry - 23513605

'You should be ashamed of yourself and embarrassed': Restaurant owner writes scathing response to Karen's 1-star review

The best part of managing or owning a business is that you're the master of your own destiny; success or failure rests primarily on your shoulders. The worst part of managing or owning a business is that you're always going to be at the whim of petty delusional customers who, for some reason, any reason, may at some point perceive that you've wronged them in some way, even if the result they're upset about is directly a result of their own actions. Still, they'll leave reviews and maybe even ma…
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reviews customer service karens entitled parents amazon reviews karen-customer customers 1-star-review karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 23154949

'Replaced them with shredded kale': Karen leaves 2-star review for "nasty" carrot cake recipe after replacing carrot with kale

You've probably heard about the “Ship of Theseus,” a paradoxical thought experiment that challenges you to question whether or not an object that has had all of its parts replaced is actually the same object anymore. Another variant of this is the "grandfather’s axe," which seeks to challenge whether or not an axe that has had its handle replaced and then later its head is really the same axe as it was before. Although not really quite the same philosophical question, I can't help but wonder… I…
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reviews customer service retail amazon reviews retail worker karen-customer customers 1-star-review business karen - 2113287

'Be advised': Male Karen leaves 1-star review because he's angry about free soda

There are a lot of reasons to be angry in this world… and free soda is not one of them. Still, name a thing that exists, and there is someone out there who is absolutely fuming about it, plotting how they can end it once and for all. Meet Larry. Larry hates free things, especially things that bubble and fizz and don't cost him anything. If you had asked Larry what the biggest problem in the world was, he'd probably answer that it was people enjoying themselves while they wait for him. His answe…
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'Do not come here and dine with us'': Internet turns on business owner for mocking customers who don't tip servers, gets 1-star review bombed

'Do not come here and dine with us'': Internet turns on business owner for mocking customers that don't tip servers, gets 1-star review bombed

While it's easy to agree with the sentiment that “You shouldn't be eating out if you can't afford to tip,” the last person you want to be hearing that message from is their boss who refused to pay them a living wage in the first place.
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reviews owned karens review 1-star-review entitled karen entitled people - 20545029

'I was immediately accosted by an employee': Guy tries to sell his personal items at a shop, gets banned, leaves 1-star review

The problem with giving everyone a platform to voice their opinions is that not everybody is going to have good ones. You're always going to end up with people whose internal bias prevents them from looking at something objectively. Heck, all of us have that going on to an extent—it's just a part of being human. We're all the unreliable narrators of our of own experience and so our account of our experiences should be taken with a grain of salt. Take this guy, for example. For some reason, he t…
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customer support reviews customer service karens amazon reviews funny reviews karen-customer customers 1-star-review customer entitled customers - 20488965

'Does not even turn on': Confused buyer leaves 1-star review for a fake phone because it doesn't work

If you buy something that's specific purpose is to look like something else but not actually work, you shouldn't be surprised when it doesn't work. That's literally what it's for. I don't know what you'd actually want to buy one of these for—unless you were a retailer looking for a risk-free display dummy. Maybe as a prop for a film or stage set? Anyways—the point is that leaving this product a 1-star review for not working is mind-boggling. You should be leaving it a 1-star review if you were…
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1-star-reviews entitled-influencer 1-star-review influencer karen-reviews entitled influencers karen entitled people - 20444421

Influencer leaves 1-star review when restaurant refuses to comp her meal in exchange for "exposure"

There seems to be no end to the number of people who think they're entitled to getting things for free just because a few people follow them on the internet. Asking for something for free after you've already eaten is kind of like scratching off a lotto ticket and then trying to return it. At that point, the transaction has already taken place—pay for your dang food and leave. The reality is that no one will give you something for free after the fact—that's not how it works. "Free" things in ex…
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karens entitled customer talesfromretail bike shop 1-star-reviews retail customers 1-star-review customer entitled customers entitled karen customer support customer service karen-customer retail-stories - 20459269

Guy leaves bike shop 1-star review for helping him for free

This is precisely the type of thing you encounter while working in a bike shop. Of all the customer service roles you could ever work, working in a bike shop will confront you with some uniquely bewilderingly entitled experiences. The idea of “you haven't done enough for me for free” will somehow recur time and time again as 1-star reviews bombard you for going out of your way to help someone who doesn't understand how much they don't understand about their bike. Bonus points here for being bla…
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customer support customer service karens talesfromretail entitled parents retail karen-customer customers 1-star-review customer customer-stories karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 20178181

'Apparently she thinks knowing this allows me to hack her': Karen insists custom computer guy is trying to hack her and her child

When you deal with customers, no matter how big or small your operation is, there's the inevitable risk that, at some point, you'll stray across an unreasonable one. It's incredibly likely that your experience with this someone with culminate with them blaming you for problems and unhappiness of their own making while gesturing wildly in a manner reminiscent of a wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tube man—just to be sure they've gotten their point across. If the experience doesn't end in an…
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karens trading card game Pokémon karen-customer 1-star-review pokemon cards karens in the wild entitled trading cards karen entitled people - 20157701

'A very seriously unwarranted allegation': Card shop owner responds after absolute Karen leaves 1-star review accusing them of stealing the best cards

People will make up anything and jump over any number of mental hurdles to displace their own unhappiness onto someone else. This thread was shared to Reddit's aptly named r/F**kYouKaren subreddit and featured screen grabs of a Google review that had been posted on a local game shop's page. In the review, the reviewer accuses the shop owner of weighing packs in order to determine which ones contain rarer cards to keep for themselves, putting out the lighter packs to sell to customers. As commen…
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Karen leaves 1-star review after hailing the workers as heroes

'We are deeply saddened': Complete Karen leaves 1-star review after telling staff that they were "heroes," gets wrecked by the owner

Being hailed as a hero only to be slandered from a safe distance: what a quintessential retail experience… While the people who won't hesitate to yell in your face are always the first ones who come to mind, there is a second type of person who has a deep anger buried deep inside of themselves, yet they remain so conflict averse that they will happily greet you with a smile to your face. It's only once your back is turned that they drive the knife in deep and twist. When I worked retail, we had…
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reviews karens work-story workplace-stories review pizza delivery 1-star-review Karen-in-the-wild business delivery karen - 19986181

'Are you kidding me!!!': Owner sets the record straight when Karen leaves 1-star review because a tornado delayed her delivery

Being a delivery driver isn't an easy job. Sure, you might get to cruise around in your car while listening to your favorite tunes, but that's where the fun stops. The other (significant) part of the job involves going onto a stranger's property. A stranger who was, for some reason, incapable of making or retrieving their own food—with this reason usually being varying levels of intoxication or antisocial nature. This exchange usually occurs at night, in the dark, leading to already heightened…
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reviews review 1-star-review karens karens in the wild karen customer service customers entitled entitled people service industry - 19707653

'Check our hours on Google next time': Karen leaves 1-star review when she tries to order food after close, gets roasted by owner's scathing response

There is no greater horror when working in service and retail than having a customer come bursting through the doors moments before closing—sometimes, as you're literally turning the key to lock them. Some people have no chill and not a lick of common sense; they really don't understand that these workers want nothing more than to go home the moment their shift is done—with every right to feel that way. This post was shared to Reddit's r/quityourbulls**t community by Reddit user u/NarutoCell, w…
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reviews karens review funny reviews 1-star-review karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 2031879

Karen leaves business 1-star review because someone was rude to her child adjacent to it

Imagine you're a business owner who has just opened up their doors. You operate out of a storefront in a small neighborhood center that provides outdoor maintenance and cleaning. Along comes a Karen with her flock of children; they're out of control, making a fuss and a scene. The maintenance guy is out front cleaning the sidewalk. They're repeatedly getting in the maintenance guy's way, pestering him with all types of questions, and he quickly has just about had enough. He lets it fly at Karen…
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reviews karens review 1-star-review karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 19707397

'You were trying to flee the place without paying': Karen leaves a 1-star review after trying to dine and dash, owner responds

Well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions. Let's face it; some people really struggle to take accountability for their own behavior, to the point that they're reading to get dirty, messy—even feral—as long as it keeps them from having to face the truth that they're a Karen. When this Karen took it upon themself to leave a 1-star review for their dining experience, it didn't take long before the owner responded to put them in their place. The owner responded by saying that the Karen h…
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