Poorly Dressed


Mimes Horatio Caine putting on his sunglasses... I think we've found a shady spot here for some gifs and memes... Sunglasses have become an almost essential fashion accessory for the style-focused. But as long as people turn their faces into something resembling a bug, there will always be jokes to be had.

Too Literal

sunglasses shutter shades - 6847101952

Cindy Lou Hip

dr seuss hair mohawk shades sunglasses - 6188819968
Created by Vanos_Ira

Never Too Old For Swag

swag sweatshirt poorly dressed sunglasses - 8248792832
Via Izismile

Not Even Sure Where to Begin

scarf onesie sunglasses poorly dressed tiger - 8046191872
Via imgur

I Guess He's Going For a ZZ Top Vibe?

sunglasses beard facial hair poorly dressed - 8104071424

A Patriotic Bearded Batman: Your Argument is Invalid

American Flag batman beard facial hair mask poorly dressed your argument is invalid sunglasses - 8160500992
Via Izismile

Look Good Coming AND Going

hair sunglasses poorly dressed haircut - 8377586944
Via theCHIVE
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