
Mimes Horatio Caine putting on his sunglasses... I think we've found a shady spot here for some gifs and memes... Sunglasses have become an almost essential fashion accessory for the style-focused. But as long as people turn their faces into something resembling a bug, there will always be jokes to be had.

granny sunglasses gangstas - 6938414080

Is That Grandma, or Justin Bieber from the Future?

sunglasses gay poorly dressed g rated - 7019512320

We've Exhausted All Possibilities

dr seuss hair Image mohawk shades sunglasses - 6188819968

Cindy Lou Hip

sunglasses poorly dressed monkey - 8074598656

Sunglasses Make Everyone Look Cooler

sunglasses poorly dressed hands - 8374558720


bunnies sunglasses - 6900896512

Fab Rabbit

bra cat Deal With It glasses g rated Image poorly dressed shirt sunglasses - 5777927680

Bra Cat Sunglasses FTW

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