
Mimes Horatio Caine putting on his sunglasses... I think we've found a shady spot here for some gifs and memes... Sunglasses have become an almost essential fashion accessory for the style-focused. But as long as people turn their faces into something resembling a bug, there will always be jokes to be had.

cool sunglasses poorly dressed Cats - 8122062080

Two Cool Cats

crocodile sunglasses poorly dressed - 8110519808

Animals in Sunglasses Are Always Amusing

Hall of Fame Image sunglasses - 5167666944

He Carries an Extra Pair in Case the First Pair Breaks During a Twilight Fangirl Attack

costume batman poorly dressed sunglasses - 8337199872

Everyone Wants to Be Batman

douchebag Image sunglasses true facts - 6233522944

Speak, Brother

scarf onesie sunglasses poorly dressed tiger - 8046191872

Not Even Sure Where to Begin

fashion Image sunglasses - 5902389760

Hypnotic Frames

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