Parenting Fails


Someone Needs to Teach Her Percentages

wtf idiots math - 7767658496
Chuck E Cheese pizza arcade runs a social experiment that reveals startling facts about human nature | Professor_Palmer @CaryPalmerr last few weeks begun conducting my own behavioral study secret have been adjusting games at Chuck E Cheese and recording subconscious response guest interaction over week discovered some pretty interesting things long thread

Chuck E. Cheese Experiment Reveals Human Nature

It's science, man.
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Parents share stories of the most messed up things they've found on their kids browsing histories.

40 Parents Share the Most Messed Up NSFW Things They've Found On Their Kids' Browsing History

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Funny and creepy recreations of things that kids draw | Donald Trump photoshopped into the shape of a children's drawing | messed up depiction of a pig drawn by a child

Kids' Drawings Recreated Are Made Out Of Nightmares

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overreacting mom cancels baby shower

Livid Woman Cancels Her Baby Shower By Sharing Fiery Facebook Post To Friends

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Oh, God...Please Don't Kiss That

why does the kiss practicer smell funny?
Via Reddit
dad fires son for stealing from job | Posted by u/E11451913 1 day ago 14 10 3 15 13 AITA firing my son? Not hole Throwaway because don't want this seen on my main account get straight issue. My M43 17 year old son Adam has been trying become independent and preparing move college but struggling find job own private warehouse as side job earn living. My wife suggested hire my son work at warehous. Moving boxes, brining workers lunch, helping with cleaning kind stuff. She said is both our benefits

Dad Fires His Son for Stealing from Work

Ah, the old "my dad's the boss" mentality.
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weird parenting punishments

25 Weird and Dumb Punishments People Received from Their Parents

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Potty Training Is Tough

this kid is really giving it a go
Via CityCaption
wtf kids - 77073153

This Kid's Extremely Flexible Neck Will Give You the Heebie-Jeebies

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