Parenting Fails

parenting WIN

Baby Costume Showdown!

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Via Instructables

Parenting WIN: I love technology, but not as much as you, you see...

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Parenting WIN: Sibling Stealth Dancing

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Make Them Work for that Sugar Rush!

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Parenting WIN: Zombie-Hunting Family Portraits

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Via Geeks are Sexy

Someday They'll Return to the Real World. Someday.

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Parenting WIN: Fitting in With the Boy

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Parenting WIN: A Link to the Halloween Candy

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Via reddit

A Little Late for Halloween, But Who Says No to That?

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Parenting WIN: Wait Until They're Pink!

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I Didn't Think Young Link was QUITE That Young...

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Via Geeks are Sexy

Parenting WIN? FALSE. He is the Incorrect Size to Accurately Depict that Character

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Parenting WIN: Now I Have the Theme Song in My Head, Thanks.

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Parenting WIN: Pretty Princess Toolkit

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The Family is Legion

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Via Geeks are Sexy
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