Parenting Fails


Historical Accuracy

children g rated Image Movie Parenting FAILS voting-page - 6276755968
Via Bits & Pieces

Poor Kid

twitter parenting children - 8805347840
Via xonecole

Always Go For The Most Humiliating Name

children name names naming parents voting-page - 5771342080

That's Just Plane Smart

airplane Babies candy children voting-page - 6569683968
Funny memes about parenting | Always Sunny in Philadelphia Papa Silve trying recreate conditions last time my baby slept through night Nap length 2 hr 10 min total 68 degrees Dino pajamas alue Sleep sack zipped 87% Waves goodnight houseplant 16 minute bath (plays with alligator toy only) Dinner 3 fish sticks 27 peas F | Baby Yoda Little kids tryna make sure see them coughing

15 Parenting Memes For People Tired Of Their Kids

Parents, you're doing great.
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Always the Jokester

Rage Comics children accidents - 6702355968
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Your Favorite Logos, As Described by an Insightful Child

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Take Me Back

Babies parenting children - 8966804480
Via thefucomics

They've Gotta Be Good for Something

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A Child's Laughter Is Not The Best Medicine

Via Fitzgeraldgrace

Prom Parents

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Created by Unknown
Funny memes about parenting | as parent screams "screams higher Citytv | trying have conversation with another adult and kid is behind like: OLearningWithLori Ryan Reynolds in front of an exploding car

30 Memes For Parents Who Need A Dang Break

Having kids can be incredibly rewarding, but sometimes you just need to escape, and that's okay.
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All Aboard!

parenting bees children - 8801750528
Via bimbimorti

General Jacking and Killing

Via effifox

Strike a Pose

children playground posing voting-page - 6461959680
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Don't Bite the Face That Feeds You

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