Parenting Fails


Man This Kid is Smart

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Make Them Work for that Sugar Rush!

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Pedobear, Pls!

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Our Hunger Will Never Be Satiated

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If You're the Kind of Mom That Steals Candy From Kids on Halloween, You Should Double Check for Cameras

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Four-Year Old Mastermind

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Created by cullen.e ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Hey, that Insert Key Looks Tasty...

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Ooh, Piece of Candy

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Is Giving a Kid a Warhead Candy For the First Time the New Lemon?

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Now Kids, Do What Dad Says, and Not What Dad Does

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This Little Girl Could Get Away With Anything

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But What Am I Supposed to Do With All This Leftover Candy!

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Mark Ruffalo Gets Mauled By Children When He Tells His Kids He Ate All Their Candy

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Their Love of Candy Has These Kids Climbing Up a Wall

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Thanks For Sharing....

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Via Liz Climo
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