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'My vegetarian sister discovered we were all in a separate group chat... called Secret Meat Up': 20+ Group chats that went totally off the rails

Picked-on employee resigns and gives boss piece of his mind, tapes a tuna sandwich under his desk in return for years of torment

Boss gets handed revenge that reeks when scorned employee tapes a tuna sandwich under his desk, never to be found again: ‘Well played, Petty Crocker’

After six years of workplace mistreatment, employee quits their job, doing so by leaving a note they wrote on an old receipt from the garbage: ‘This had to be done, I quit’

After six years of workplace mistreatment, employee quits their job, doing so by leaving a note they wrote on an old receipt from the garbage: ‘This had to be done, I quit’

'Get a hobby': Mom berates 13-year-old for always being on her phone, teenager maliciously complies and starts playing the flute loudly and horribly every morning

'Get a hobby': Mom berates 13-year-old for always being on her phone, teenager maliciously complies and starts playing the flute loudly and horribly every morning

family family drama Family feud brother siblings sibling rivalry parents entitled parents parenting step father step brother teenagers

Mom and Stepdad insist 17-year-old spend late father's inheritance on step-siblings' education: 'I said no and I told them I wouldn't change my mind'

'If she's still on her phone when you come back, you're done': Single guy ditches non-stop texter on first date for ignoring him, now she has to pay the bill

'If she's still on her phone when you come back, you're done': Single guy ditches non-stop texter on first date for ignoring him, now she has to pay the bill

'I don't know how to get this woman off my back': Co-op Karen files noise complaint against neighbor for her low-key housewarming, neighbor catches Karen loitering

'I don't know how to get this woman off my back': Co-op Karen files noise complaint against neighbor for her low-key housewarming, neighbor catches Karen loitering

work workplace employment Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job employee employees overworked-employees malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance

Manager's obsessive cost-cutting initiatives cost the company more money when double-sided printing policy causes problems with important client: 'All printing must be double-sided—no exceptions'

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'I went straight above him to the board of the college': College student gets ghosted by their group project peers, presents project alone out of "amusement"

‘Sorry this is an inconvenience for you’: Entitled resident refuses to remove bike from narrow communal hallway, neighbor forces her hand by turning to property manager

‘Sorry this is an inconvenience for you’: Entitled resident refuses to remove bike from narrow communal hallway, neighbor forces her hand by turning to property manager

Client demands a meeting with remote employee despite it being midnight their time, employee complies, then sets up the call at 12 AM client's time: ‘I used his words against him’

Client demands a meeting with remote employee despite it being midnight their time, employee complies, then sets up the call at 12 AM client's time: ‘I used his words against him’

18-year-old gets cut off by older sister, only for her to come back into his life 10 years later for some of his inheritance: 'I told her outright that I wasn’t [...] sharing my inheritance'

18-year-old gets cut off by older sister, only for her to come back into his life 10 years later for some of his inheritance: 'I told her outright that I wasn’t [...] sharing my inheritance'

Karen refuses to lend neighbor a helping hand, then gets offended when they return the favor, leading to a neighborhood dispute: 'What goes around comes around'

Karen refuses to lend neighbor a helping hand, then gets offended when they return the favor, leading to a neighborhood dispute: 'What goes around comes around'

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23-year-old woman wonders if she's wrong for refusing to give her seat to 8-year-old boy and his "late 30s" mother: 'A few people gave me dirty looks, and I felt awkward'

employee revenge petty revenge pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge-stories-reddit revenge-stories Jobs employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses employment-discussion job quitting quit i quit Fired getting fired laid off

Employee laid-off by new owners gets even via remote access, uninstalling personal software: 'You should've been nicer when you laid me off'

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'Dad reminded me of the rules—it was his to keep': 8-year-old gets clever revenge on Dad for stealing their money from the dryer