stupid and funny misspelled words | pool is closed till further notice! Sorry incontinence | send newts sexy pic pics of lizards

Spelling Fails that Deserve a Harsh Sentence

People are bad at letters.
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Tumblr thread about Pokemon being drawn the sizes of the animals they are based on | sinnerbird im going start thread pokemon drawn sizes things theyre based on here start very-salty-popcorn very small boi enters

Tumblr Thread: Pokémon Drawn to Actual Scale

Huh, they really just look like colorful animals now.
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Karen insists she's an employee to try to use the bathroom | r/IDontWorkHerelady Posted by u/wafflecopter2 16 hours ago No don't work here, lady XL never been mistaken an employee at place don't work at, but did have tell Karen she doesn't work at my store work at 7-Eleven, and been there about six years now used work night shift (boy, do have some stories those days) but one really stands out this subreddit is time had tell lady she doesnt work at my store.

Demanding Karen Insists She Works at the Store

Interesting strategy.
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A collection of marriage tweets that are hilarious and relatable | Rob Follow @rockymomax WIFE: where's baby traded guy this sandwich WIFE haha l'm kidding WIFE: oh thank god also got snickers

Marriage Tweets That Didn't Hold Anything Back

Here we go.
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Video of a guy trying to throw a log and knocking himself out.

Dude Knocks Self Out Throwing Log

Logging off...
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Technically accurate jokes, moments and memes | don't have skeleton inside brain are inside skeleton piloting bone mech 's using meat armor ? | pie chart my living room corner wall floor wall reddit

Technically Accurate Moments that are Clever and Dumb

Yeah, that makes sense.
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Man's parody in hilarious Twitter thread challenges the moon landing | David Hughes @david8hughes Let's talk about moon landings. There's no way they happened and this thread going explain why

Twitter Thread: Man's Parody Hilariously Challenges Moon Landing

This is gold.
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The cringiest things that brides and grooms have done for their weddings | aPKPirate 1h Ive worked over 200 weddings at same venue, many couples wanted fireworks and had company could always do show couple ALWAYS, without fail, would pick Firework by Katy Perry play during show. Reply 1.4k

Cringiest Things Brides And Grooms Have Done

Too much cringe to contend with.
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Mean teacher loses students' papers, fails half of the class, and proceeds to get fired | r/ProRevenge u/[deleted 273d JOIN Want fail half class because lost our papers? Enjoy early retirement! So this happened during senior year high school 4 years ago had an english teacher named Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith, or she liked refer herself, Dr. Smith (she didn't have doctorates mean old bat hated anything and everything. She ugly inside and out.

Teacher Loses Students' Papers, Fails Half Of Class, Enjoys Early Retirement

Good riddance.
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Your brain on Cracked Fight Club movie Edward Norton

We Figured Out The Name Of The 'Fight Club' Narrator

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Man yawns too hard and ends up in the ER | r/tifu u/VanManRTManVan 21h Join 1 1 1 1 TIFU by yawning too hard and ending up ER L So this incident actually this past Friday settled after long week watch movie with my parents couple minutes let loose big yawn because little worn out after long week at my internship. Suddenly felt my jaw kind click" into place, which happens sometimes but can almost always just close back normally should point out one time about two years ago did same thing and had

Man Yawns Too Hard, Ends Up In The ER

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A collection of bizarre hairstyles that didn't give a dang | funny weird back view of short bob haircut

Questionable Hairstyles That Didn't Give A Dang

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Freeloader friend expects guy to let him use his car, and rages when he gets rejected | Hey bro, is cool if still borrow whip tonight? Yeah man just bring back by 10 time swinging thru 6 Aight homie. See then Today 4:06 PM going give whip back tomorrow morning instead.

Entitled Friend Wants To Use Guy's Car To Get Laid

Someone has a weird conception of friendship.
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Bad coworker thinks she can get away with pushing the manager around | r/ProRevenge Join u/Stir_Fried_Dog 2y Bad coworker thought she could push manager around have troublesome coworker thinks she can push store around. She constantly tries change her schedule so she can get hours she wants even though makes things hard store. Let's just call her Stacy, and she has history doing this over past year. Well this year Stacy decided tell boss she couldn't open store anymore and she only available 8 m

Bad Coworker Thinks They Can Push Manager Around

They thought wrong.
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A collection of times that neighbors got into petty showdowns | Today 9:28 AM Hey. Just wanted send my condolences think have wrong number. No s Chloe 1A just had car towed. Can't say weren't warned. Delivered

Lovely Neighbors That Detested Each Other

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A collection of funny posts from the world of Tumblr | Will course be hard Don't Know Will tests be hard? Don't know But paper will be soft countercontempt 's been week and still don't have syllabus and l'm not entirely convinced my science prof has any clue 's going on | if had twin would go into crowds strangers and profess my love someone and then say "if our love isn't meant be will go back time and slap myself" and then my twin would burst and slap should do with my twin need twin

Strange, Random, And Funny Tumblr Posts

Gotta keep on Tumblin.
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