Entitled person tries to get logo for free, gets trolled | said Hello. Vcera 11:41 odp. Iam sorry late response can help with? Vcera, 11:42 odp Webdesign w/ logo Show latest work mobile design category want someone good.

Entitled Goof Tries to Get Designer to Work for Free

People keep trying this and it never works out.
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Parents with identical twins share their experiences with accidentally switching the kids | posted by unnaturalorder Since this is fun question hasn't gotten many responses will say knew set identical triplets highschool who'd sometimes go into one another's classes and mess with people. Made fun April Fool's day joke.

Parents With Identical Twins That Accidentally Switched The Kids

The panic is real.
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parenting memes, funny jokes and tweets | I thought my 6 year old smuggling pipe into school s just kazoo, either way he's grounded. wooden box with a golden kazoo.

Dad Memes for the Dads Out There

Stay grillin'.
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Things that seem difficult to do but are actually pretty easy | posted by Valiantlycaustic Basic sewing. Things like simple hemming, sewing buttons are easy learn and will make life easier. If keep learning s amazing be able fit own clothes.

Things That Seem Hard but are Actually Pretty Easy

Some easy stuff seems incomprehensible on the surface.
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Dumb and bad failures of spelling | just saw my double banger on bad parenting 's double banger? someone who looks exactly like like double, because all have at least one person world looks like oh is called Doppleganger. Kev is allah cart? Lmaooo restaurant, is allah cart s la carte cement head

Regrettable and Dumb Spelling Fails

Spelling is hard.
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Funny joke tweets about how god designed animals | tweet by tricycle_champ [god making bats] GOD: just like hairy black potato with wings ANGEL: um GOD: ANGEL: god? GOD: also sleeps upside down like an idiot

Funny Tweets about God Making Animals

Most of them seem like a bad idea.
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Woman ends up calling off her wedding after finding out about her fiancee complaining about wedding dress on Reddit | AITA 38 m telling my fiancee f 27)her wedding dress choice is way too extravagant and suggesting alternatives? sorry on mobile and throwaway as she's redditor are getting married july this year, venue is booked and wedding is pretty much sorted.

Woman Calls Off Wedding After Fiancee Complains About Wedding Dress

Well this guy's decision backfired horribly.
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Chairs that are artistic, interesting and strange | clear orange inflated chair gummy bear shaped | chair made out of a shopping cart with wheels attached.

Strange and Interesting Chairs

Are you sitting down?
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A collection of dumb questions that introverts somehow end up getting asked | tweet by AprilLloyd90 Them phone is ringing don't recognise number, and am not expecting call Them So why don't answer and find out StupidQuestionsForlntroverts

Painfully Dumb Questions That Introverts Are Asked

Enough with the dumb questions!
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A collection of funny tweets | tweet by notthenanny Current Status: Helping my kid look her Milky Way bar ate couple hours ago

A Collection Of Slightly Entertaining Tweets

Nothing like some good humored tweets to fuel your afternoon grind.
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Parent falls asleep and forgets what day it is, and proceeds to think that their kid got kidnapped | r/tifu posted by Crazycatdood TIFU by falling asleep on job and forgetting day is BACKSTORY have mild insomnia, falling asleep isn't hard 's STAYING asleep escapes So flash brilliance on my part decided drink some ZzzQuil because 3 am and might

Parent Forgets What Day It Is, Thinks Kid Got Taken

What an absolutely hilarious accident.
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A collection of creative and absolutely brutal insults from various people on social media | posted by graystripe: once 4th grade this guy got 2% on his math quiz so everyone called him milk rest year

Creative And Brutal Insults That Were Max Savage

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Ridiculous choosing beggars who made absurd demands | Oh giving her away free caring new owner Like said on ad know, but since taking responsibility cat Free, u should at least pay some money

Entitled People Who Need to Chill With Their Demands

The nerve is baffling.
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Great names people gave their wifi | posted by DoctorDirector weren't supposed have personal wifi our dorms college, so made name "DIRECT-BHB-HP Office jet 5234" and everyone just assumed just printer like rest would pop up

Terrific WiFi Names People Encountered

People are way too good at this.
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Fails, messes, mistakes, chaos on misfortune | broken window, loose tire on top of a car's hood, hole in the wall. slice of casserole on top of a melted plastic plate inside an over.

Chaotic Moments of Misfortune and Failure

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A terrible, toxic, micromanager owner gets outed by an ex-employee and has to end up paying $50,000 | r/ProRevenge posted by melindee Revenge tune 50000+ on owner who wrongfully fired This is lengthy story happened around 6 years ago applied job as bar manager at new restobar opened up my area Ontario, Canada

Toxic Bar Owner Gets Outed By Employee To The Tune Of $50,000

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