Train conductor uses impressive investigative skills to bust a passenger | tweet by comedylopez Witnessed most amazing thing on train Edinburgh yesterday guy boarded Wigan sat opposite He went sleep an hour he woke up he bought sandwich, ate went back sleep This isn't maths test don't need know distance/ speed Later train guard is walking through, checking tickets, and gently wakes guy Can see ticket, please Oh need buy ticket Where going, pal guy glances at his phone Edinburgh Where did get on

Train Conductor Uses Masterful Investigative Skills

Talk about one wild ride!
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Guy goes to sleep and his girlfriend proceeds to have a complete meltdown | r/relationship_advice posted by ThrowRaRedditor My 20F girlfriend blocked 20M on everything because said going sleep early

Guy Goes To Sleep, Girlfriend Has Meltdown

Best take her advice and not contact her again.
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Stupid, silly, clever and dumb puns | spilled tub of hellman oh no qasimple what the hallman. tweet by Tom Bellingham TommyWTF1 Star Wars characters seeing themselves 4K first time Han Solo Wow HD Yoda: HDMI2 Screen M D

A Bundle of Beautiful Stupid Puns

Or a pundle, if you will.
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Guy gets manager fired because he knows the rules | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by PunkThug There an attempt fire malicious compliance. Long-time lurker first time poster. Apologize being on mobile s very long story, and TL;DR at bottom

Manager Tries to Fire Guy for Following The Rules, It Backfires

It helps to know the guidelines.
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Ways students rebelled at school | posted by Acceptable-Living Last year our school fetched ban on backpacks and bags general since they were apparently safety hazard" two days later some guy my yeargroup comes carrying his books and pencil case microwave. Dude made national news

Ways People Rebelled Against Unfair School Rules

Some rules are dumb.
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Optical illusions created by weird perspective | old woman walking in the street in front of a chimney letting out smoke appearing as if her own head is dissolving into smoke. flying object above a group of people and cars on a riverbank

Real Life Optical Illusions and Double-Takery

Perspective is a deceptive mistress.
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Mistaken people who took satirical joke news seriously | tweet by TheOnion Biologists Still No Closer Discovering Birds Have Sex If thats true just shows even though folks think are real advanced and good with computers nature still will always be more complicated and not then our technolgy

Sadly Mistaken People Who Didn't Understand Satire

It's funny, but also kinda really sad.
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failure, mistakes and messes | tweet by Lynsey Mukomel Well, friends. This is came mail gonna need something else, please. PURE MICHIGAN DCK 247 MACKINAC BRIDGE license plate that spells dick 24/7

Chaos and Misfortune that Injected Itself into People's Lives

Life is a roller coaster.
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Funny stupid and ridiculous ads and signs | SONIC America's Drive- CHICKEN LOSES JOB CHICKEN IS BROKE CHICKEN STRIPS $3.79 pun about an unemployed chicken becoming a stripper

Weird, Stupid and Funny Signs and Ads

Who greenlit this stuff?
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Strange and unlikely moments that felt like a glitch | posted by Stockero1 walking my dog and almost driveway looked down some reason and looked back up and ended up being back at road about 6 blocks away where thought so confused but my dog looked completely fine.

Real-Life Glitches People Experienced

Sometimes things don't make sense.
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Funny, silly, interesting and stupid moments from Tumblr | sirobvious >go Draculas castle >he has humidifier >pour two liter holy water into leave

Funny Gems from the Rich Mines of Tumblr

Fall into the Tumblr rabbithole.
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Tumblr user runs the math on what the exact day for Ice Cube's "Good Day" was | hiphopfightsback CLUE 1 Went Short Dog's house, They watching Yo MTV RAPS Yo MTV RAPS first aired: Aug 6th 1988

Tumblr User Calculates Exact Date Of Ice Cube's "Good Day"

This is what the internet was made for.
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An entitled influencer asks someone for $300 worth of jewelry | Hey! l'd like talk about jewelry? accepted request Awesome! Hey can do

Influencer With 400 Followers Asks Artist For $300 Worth Of Jewelry

The entitlement is overwhelming.
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Horrible Karen mistakes random person for employee | r/IDontWorkHerelLady Posted by ComedianXMI Karen vs Retail Veteran Someone my friend group keyed on this lovely sub after they had good laugh at some my stories. Over years grown loathe people who treat retail employees like garbage, and go out my way make fool them. So share one story now

Karen Mistakes Nametagged Dude for Employee, He Rolls With It

The mighty hubris of another horrible customer comes crashing down. For whatever reason, some customers really hold onto that "customer is always right" approach even when they're told that that they're not actually talking to an employee. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/IDontWorkHereLady subreddit by u/ComedianXMI, who shared his encounter with a Karen in a grocery store after he was done with his shift at work. The woman saw his name tag and assumed he worked there. After he politely cor…
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A collection of AskReddit replies to Redditors that joined the military and went on to regret it | tweet by IWasSayingBoourner greatest concentration absolute worst people l've ever come across my life silhouettes of soldiers walking

Redditors That Joined The Military Share Their Regrets

These people have all kinds of regrets.
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A collection of reminders that Keanu Reeves is the world's greatest human being | tweet by RahulKohli13 Iwill never love my future wife, future children, pets or grandchildren more than love Keanu Reeves..and they will have live with knowledge.

Pleasant Reminders That Keanu Reeves Is The World's Greatest Human

Keanu Reeves is just a next level human being.
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