Coworker tosses package away, and unknowingly sets off an emergency life alert. | r/tifu Join u/Dr-Wankenstein 16h TIFU by tossing package M So this happened last week know midst all Christmas chaos work one those delivery companies 's rather well known world wide should also point out my coworkers fault and not mine. Anyway had just finished unloading my truck and depositing my "ground packages" into 's proper bin and taking care my paper work there's commotion coming front station.

Coworker Tosses Package In Bin, Unknowingly Triggers Life Alert

That's a nice whoops.
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Man buys an expensive bike from a thief, and ends up returning it to the owner. | Ste Burke @SteBurke44 Has anyone had their bike stolen? Just bought this 80 and 's got bike lock on Apparently 's Crosby area. Bought so can get back right owner know 's 1350 bike and id be heartbroken if Give us shout

Guy Buys $1800 Bike From Thief, Returns To Owner

Put some karma in this dude's bank.
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Kid poses as Walmart Employee wearing neon yellow vest | Posted by u/GreenKeel 16 hours ago 14 2 O 9 L@17 3 11 TIFU by getting lifetime ban Walmart. My friend and are both high school, and been hanging out lot over winter break. Today were especially bored, and suggested going Walmart look around. After little while got bored too. Then an idea hit us back my car have 2 neon yellow vests. They seemed match style vest employees parking lot were wearing, so naturally donned vests and posed as

Kid Infiltrates Walmart By Wearing Neon Vest

A yellow vest is the key to the city.
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Woman accidentally announces her engagement at a friend's wedding. | r/AmltheAsshole u/Ok_Kaleidoscope7676 21h Join AITA announcing" my engagement at friend's wedding? Not hole not much Facebook person have browse on like' things, and tag friends memes but 's about extent my Facebook use don't update my status or announce things. So my fiance proposed, nobody really knew until wanted them know week ago fiance and attended my best friend's wedding course she knew about engagement, but many

Woman "Accidentally" Announces Engagement At Friend's Wedding

Ah, an accident.
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street smarts tips | datacollect_ct 28.4k points 1 day ago 7 5 3 3 3 E If are any sort confrontation and someone balls their fist and looks away second, or even just looks away second should be prepared possibility sucker punch.

Street Smarts Tips to Stay Safe Out There

It's a big world.
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A funny Tumblr thread about Wolverine always showing up. | fireandlifeincarnate Follow supervillains fucking hate fighting x-men because teams change constantly and sometimes there are totally new people there fuck there's teenager who literally just has eyes all over his body. is he even technically superhero yet or is he student. who fuck knows do counter this shit diamondfangedbarbarian Follow one seems completely non-mutated and they're like

Quick Tumblr Thread On Wolverine Always Showing Up

He's always there.
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Girl's ex buys himself a gift, gives it to her, and then petty revenge ensues. | r/pettyrevenge Join u/ImOnAnAllCarbDiet 5d 5 1 S 7 8 3 Ex bought himself gift as gift So did same This happened couple Christmases ago but someone told post this story here so Here am. About 4 months before Christmas 2018, my boyfriend at time accidentally spilt drink on his laptop and wrecked thing. He couldn't afford new one and his main source entertainment, so said he could borrow mine since didn't use often.

Ex Buys Himself Gift As Gift To Girlfriend, Petty Revenge Ensues

Dude brought this on himself.
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funny video of siri going crazy during car ride

Siri Has Meltdown During Car Ride

Siri was having a day.
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Larry Kings asks Danny Pudi if he could live without the luxury of a Private Jet, Danny answers he is on Ducktales.

Larry King Asks Danny Pudi About Private Jet, Reminds Him He's On DuckTales

A private jet? Really?
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Stephen Fry British actor attending college football game in Alabama cultural clash

Stephen Fry Attends A College Football Game, Cultures Collide

Fascinating outsider's perspective.
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Derek Kevra weatherman presenting weather forecast sarcastically

Sarcastic Weatherman Goes Off

So informative.
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A collection of people's worst excuses for cheating on their partners. | mar @xxhappycamper Replying that1mum He superliked my bff on tinder (didn't know she my friend) and messaged her. Then confronted him he said someone hacked him updated his current location bio current said did happen? Response don't know these hackers work Marissa

Twitter Thread: People's Worst Excuses For Cheating

Cheaters never come out on top.
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Entitled rich customer loads jukebox with songs, bartender puts on funny songs. | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/BurnTheOil Don't TOUCH jukebox till all entitled customers' songs have played? Fine by oc L bartender at little hole wall watering hole with very regular and very loyal customer base had last night off, so met up with friend at another bar few drinks and some food. After supper decide walk bar work at cap off evening get there, and there is good

Bartender Gets Musical Revenge On Entitled Customer

He who controls the jukebox controls the vibe.
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weird things people saw in other people's homes | minervasbiscuittin 16.7k points 12 hours ago O 2 e 3 6 edited 3 hours ago Back my teenage babysitting days regularly watched three kids whose parents kept one those ENORMOUS packages hot dogs out on kitchen counter. Everyone household would just wander by and grab room-temperature hot dog as snack whenever they felt like babysat them 2-3 times per week over year and never not saw those hot dogs wonder about them all time.

Weird Stuff People Saw In People's Houses

Everyone has a different idea of "normal."
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Man invites new fiancée to Christmas in spite of famous cousin's wishes. | AITA bringing my fiancée Christmas despite my famous cousin's wishes? Everyone Sucks My cousin is very famous. Yes have heard him, and no won't tell who he is call him Terry have family functions (mainly holidays Terry likes them be only family so he can "be himself" and get drunk and pass out on couch and share Hollywood gossip with us, otherwise he feels like he is being interviewed and having everyone talk him or want

Man Brings New Fiancée To Christmas Despite Famous Cousin's Wishes

Not cool, bro.
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Extremely Specific and Overly Vague Shirts

There's a shirt for every occasion.
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