Guy leaves woman at bar, she freaks out, claims to be a rich model with personal body guards and accuses him of stealing | Jordan Yesterday way out league physically, mentally emotionally can't even believe this right now Never my life also model maxim.

Entitled Model Gets Ghosted, Cannot Handle It

This looks like a mess.
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Terry Crews voice on an Amazon Echo ends up startling a couple | tweet Arianna Bradford @TheNYAMProj 3h v Replying TheNYAMProject So last night hubs and l are bed watching TV ask my husband pause show so can go bathroom go, come back, and right as l'm getting settled hear deep, booming voice scream our kitchen.

Terry Crews And Amazon Echo Terrify A Couple

Now they have an irrational fear of Terry Crews.
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AskReddit replies to the most insulting compliments that people have ever received | reddit posted by pat_patrol actually look good emphasis on 'actually' and surprise my friends voice still haunts. pic of two people sitting together.

The Most Insulting Compliments People Have Received

Insulting compliments can leave people very confused.
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your brain on cracked movie analysis

Movie Universes That Are Much Stranger Than We Realize

Whole lot of weirdness going on in those movie universes.
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A collection of rare insults that were creative and brutal | told kids they're not allowed call each other "stupid" anymore. So Eddie just told Max he looks like walking talking booger without dental plan mean, at least 's making them more creative guess.

Rare Insults That Bruised People's Egos

The internet is always ready to humble someone.
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A collection of the funniest toddler breakdowns that parents witnessed. | Fluffyfluffycake 2d 1 Award My boy cried after stuffing his sandwich VHS recorder (early 90s there no movie about sandwiches. Reply 977

Funniest Toddler Breakdowns That Parents Witnessed

Good old sandwich movies.
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A "wild" Karen gets bested by a petty revenge while at the airport | r/pettyrevenge posted by BookwyrmsRN Current petty revenge progress airport edition. Well. This is developing story edit and update as happens flying Houston Florida today work. There is plenty time before my flight starts boarding.

Wild Karen Gets Bested By Petty Revenge At Airport

A wild Karen appeared, and was dealt with smoothly.
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Things people did to get the fired on the first day | reddit posted by BADMANvegeta_ Guy lied about knowing drive forklift. Drove into support beam photo of man driving in a warehouse dressed in a safety jacket

What New Hires Did to Get Fired on the First Day

Here's a list of things to not do at your job.
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Tumblr user says that horses are fine to get around on three legs without prosthetics | horses and horsey creatures certain can get around just fine on 3 legs, no prosthetics needed (depending on which leg is missing just so long as don't ride them 80% sure can't ride them if they've only 3 legs Umm have master's animal science and think must not be anything horse-related Well gon' learn today! First quick lesson on equine anatomy. They walk on last bone single toe. This is different human

Master In Animal Sciences Gets Schooled On Horses

That education only got them so far.
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Nostalgic memes for the 80s and 90s | old enough remember very first TED talk most excellent. bill and ted excellent adventure Alex Winter Keanu Reeves. Wanna know got these scars VEPS the joker heath ledger batman the dark knight ice pops

Nostalgic Memes for the 80s and 90s Kids

Well, we'll never get those days back.
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Stories and pictures of kids being strange and dumb | STAND UP BELIEVE i heart TRAINS child holding up a sign at a protest rally. Airdrie warns public brazen coyote after 6-year-old attacked at light festival Child is safe but disappointed he didn't turn into werewolf, mom says Sarah Rieger CBC News Posted: Dec 18, 2018 5:45 PM MT Last Updated: 3 hours ago

Moments that Prove Kids are Bizarre and Stupid

They're not the smartest or most normal people out there.
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Hilarious text exchange between mom and her daughter involves memes and frustration | 3:21 PM 86% Mom 01/24/2016 Sun Mom stop and grab coffee on way over 7:50 AM No 7:51 AM Why 7:51 AM Because an ungrateful brat 7:52 AM grateful and dad got busy 36 years ago. Bow chicka bow bow 7:53 AM know are killing Elizabeth really killing No coffee. Enter message

Daughter Relentlessly Trolls Mom To Oblivion

Real or not, this is gold.
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Design fails that were someone's one job | socks with red popcorn bags printed on them with the word "pop!" on the bag, when the feet are closed together the socks spell "poop!" bottle of white sauce 0% SAUCE CAESAR KCAL ER 15 ML SERVING Fat free Sugar free

Design Fails That Need An Extra Look

Get a second set of eyes.
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Tumblr story explains that all celebrity clothes are tailored to look good | inkdot This weekend told story which, although kind ashamed admit because holy shit is ever obvious, is kind blowing my mind friend friend won free consultation with Clinton Kelly Not Wear, and she very excited, because she has plus-size body, and wanted some tips on make most her wardrobe fashion culture which deliberately puts her body at disadvantage. Her first question him this do celebrities make plain white

Thread Explains Why Celebrities Always Look Better In Clothes

They're all getting their stuff tailored; it's not fair.
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Woman's fiancé gets her a Peloton bike after she asks for him to not get her one | AITA pissed got Peloton my birthday Throwaway account So realize already sound like brat. This is most expensive present have ever received my life and enjoy spin classes, but back story is is important here.

Woman's Fiancé Gets Her Peloton Bike For Birthday, Fight Ensues

She repeatedly said she didn't want it.
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Tumblr user runs calculation on how to obtain the cheapest wings deal |  sean @seanposting theres gotta be better way convey this information WINGS 27.25 24 Chicken Wings 4 Chicken Wings 4.55 27.80 25 Chicken Wings 5 Chicken Wings 6 Chicken Wings 5.70 28.95 26 Chicken Wings 27 Chicken Wings 6.80 30.10 7 Chicken Wings 8 Chicken Wings 9 Chicken Wings 7.95 28 Chicken Wings 29 Chicken Wings 30 Chicken Wings 35 Chicken Wings 40 Chicken Wings 45 Chicken Wings 31.20 9.10 32.35 10.20 33.50 10 Chicken Wi

Tumblr User Does Math To Calculate Cheapest Wings Deal

Will always support math being used for cheaper wings.
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