skier falls from lift, coat gets caught video

Skier's Coat Gets Caught Falling From Lift

It would be just a little embarrassing.
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double standards that people hate | rizzo1717 29.3k points 13 hours ago 45 2 4 3 3 3 3 More If owe company money will be charged interest/late fees/service interruption almost immediately after due date. If company owes money might see 4-6 weeks/2-3 billing cycles

Infuriating Double Standards People Can't Stand

It ain't right.
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Customer changes their phone password, and then thinks that their phone's dead. | r/talesfromtechsupport u/E_n_z_z_o changed my password and my phone died did do Short work Technical Support call center major smart phone manufacturer and received following call last night. C Customer H Customer's Husband M 3D M: thank calling major phone manufacturer, my name is OP can help ?

Customer Changes Phone Password, Thinks Phone's Dead, Asks For Manager

Some people are truly lost.
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Some holiday procrastination results in a botanical Dexter scene. | r/tifu u/pocketmole TIFU by leaving real Christmas tree my apartment until May. M actually fucked up 8 years ago, but time has worn down my pride enough l'm willing finally share this story with world recently suggested leave my Christmas tree up little longer order further enjoy cheeriness brings living room. This is an easy thing suggest haven't seen things seen haven't done things my boyfriend and have

Holiday Procrastination Results In Botanical Dexter Scene

Tis the season.
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A Tumblr user explores the meaning of life in a laminated paper towel. | rogueziph-blog laminated paper towel urbandictionaryfinds why does this have 31 thousand notes oneglitterorgy made useless but also prevented end predestined | cuddlemonstercas But wait this is actually freaking out though raises so many questions about otherwise incomprehensible meaning life as collective whole versus personal sustenance and longevity Imagine if one day were given choice: Become immortal and indestructible

Tumblr User Explores Meaning Of Life In Laminated Paper Towel

Absolute pure gold.
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A terrible owner fires an employee, refuses to take ownership of a domain name, and then a pro revenge ensues. | r/ProRevenge u/Distorshen Huge Revenge on an Awful Boss Fired During Pandemic. 2020 an awful year Among many other things fired by place worked at over 3 years not nice, fancy job by any means just store manager at small business still run like mom and pop shop despite owner not living close enough truly be mom and pop run compensate not being able be each store

Terrible Owner Fires Employee, Refuses To Claim Website Domain, Revenge Ensues

They had it coming.
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Professor insists that student puts lengthy essay on one page, so student complies. | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/Lunatic976 5d 10 3 6 3 4 8 3 1 need long essay on SINGLE page Yes, ma'am. M college sophomore had this professor, Mrs. Wang Religion Studies who would act like her subject should be our top priority. Although came different majors, Religion Studies is just filler subject needed students this Catholic college.

Professor Insists On Lengthy Essay Being On One Page, Students Comply

Tough luck, teach.
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FedEx truck gets broken into and stolen while the driver is making a delivery

FedEx Truck Gets Stolen During Delivery

Oh, they really went all the way.
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spontaneous awesome video strangers make a song in public

3 Random Strangers Make An Awesome Song

Perfect strangers uniting to make stellar art.
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crazy video of a pilot emergency landing with a missing door airplane disaster

Emergency Crash Landing A Plane After The Door Flies Off

Way too close of a call there.
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South Park Satan explains brain chemical reactions

South Park Satan Explains Dopamine Response And Addictive Behavior

Stan learned something new.
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A poor choosing beggar student tries to lowball on a nice camera. | much gave Asking price is $350 after some consideration due mark on lens am willing go down 250 Which mark

"Poor" Student Tries To Buy Photography Lens

Try your game elsewhere.
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Guy wastes a PlayStation 5 scalper's time | have gotten offers 850 and sold 3 piece 800 best can do Youssef If can do 850 l'll meet tomorrow and give s never been opened and have online ceipt still has sticker closes box If want 825 l'll give u if get two them can only do 850 if can meet grand rapids are really far and th lil easier. than u ould make my drive d be further

Guy Wastes Time of Predatory PS5 Scalper

May the inconvenience reign.
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funny twitter thread of guy air frying a hot dog for two hours pretending it's science | kendrick lobstar @KLobstar 50 minutes has elapsed, 70 minutes remain. My wife and son have gone outside and have opened kitchen window | kendrick lobstar @KLobstar 60 minutes has elapsed, 60 minutes remain have been advised by fellow scientists allow hotdog and air fryer cool off before continuing air is thick with hotdog flavor.

Twitter Scientist Air Fries a Hotdog For Two Hours

That's some cutting edge science, man.
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Sister steals her brother's iPod, so her brother corrupts her computer. | r/ProRevenge Join u/feelingsupersonic 6h 2 3 2 8 1 Steal my iPod? Fuck laptop story 2007 posted this on pettyrevenge, but after thinking about actually may be better suited here. Imagine being high school, back latter days George Bush and finally buying iPod dreams. After saving up allowance and money made around neighborhood doing random ass work, and lifeguarding at local pool. Yup And douchebag 14 year old who would

Sister Steal's Hacker Brother's iPod, Brother Gives Sister's Computer A Stroke

Checkmate, sis.
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Magic the Gathering collector trading cards on antiques roadshow

1993 "Magic: The Gathering" Beta Cards Antiques Roadshow

She was not ready for that.
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