A ridiculous Twitter thread about crazy stuff manager witnessed at Olive Garden. | Joe Wadlington Follow @JoeWadlington went on date last night and guy meekly shared he used be GENERAL MANAGER TIMES SQUARE OLIVE GARDEN. RETWEETS LIKES 1,001 4,723 9:08 AM 19 Apr 2017 101 t7 1.0K 4.7K Joe Wadlington @JoeWadlington Apr 19 Replying JoeWadlington Clearly, he'd seen some shit. So next hour and half asking questions tried do y'all right.

Twitter Thread: Olive Garden Manager's Wild Work Stories

Never a typical day on the job.
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gardeners destroy work after not getting paid

Customer Refuses To Pay, Crew Breaks Down Job

Customer had it coming.
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dog fakes leg injury and gets taken to the vet

Dog Mimics Owner Who Injured Foot, Avoidable Vet Fees Ensue

Loyalty right there.
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How Gorillaz "Clint Eastwood" would sound if the cartoons were actually playing.

Gorillaz But Instrumentally Accurate Is Blursed Gold

Kinda ruins the magic a bit.
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Madden professional player loses and rage quits

Madden Pro Whines At Tournament, Proceeds To Rage Quit

Deep breaths, my dude.
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A collection of gameshow contestant memes from folks that felt the pressure. | Name yellow fruit. Orange. | Give us vegetable marinate. Grapes

Gameshow Contestants That Felt The Pressure

Pressure gets to some folks.
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A collection of the world's most notable design flaws. | Moist_Examination811 15h Toasters. Why oh why does top half bread never fit into These designers should go out get themselves loaf bread toaster before they design another one. There doesn't seem be any come different size. Don't even get started on bloody elements- one side will be light beige other side toast will look like 's been toasted smelting factory.

The World's Most Notable Design Flaws

Some designs are doomed from the start.
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Xzibit reacts to pimp my ride fails

Xzibit Reacts To "Pimp My Ride" Horror Stories

What a wonderful throwback.
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Long piece of dryer lint gets pulled from vent and keeps on going.

Long Dryer Lint Just Keeps on Going

What is this, a clown's house?
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Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney reddit bot | Telling me to chill and calling me

Bot Turns Reddit Arguments Into Ace Attorney Scenes

It's almost too good.
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encountering a giant black chicken in the snow

Skier Encounters Capercaillie, Looks Like Real Life Pokémon

Definitely don't see that every day.
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Toddler invents their own swear word, and then swears at their parent for weeks. | TheOphans TIFU by learning my toddler made up their own way swearing at and has been telling f off while. M So build up this fuck up work out at home and have done since my child born like work out music and there is one particular song some reason really helps get mood squat s song l'd played some time without question until 4 months ago because has few swear words

Toddler Invents Their Own Swear Word, Swears At Parent For Weeks

Kid could be going places.
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People describe the strangest things that happened to them that escape logic. | That_Weird_Girl_107 7h 1 Award hit patch black ice dark going 60mph down highway. At time drove 1 ton cargo van hit guard rail and flipped. Not only did walk away without scratch car drivable and only 30 min late work.

Strangest Occurrences People Can't Logically Explain

Some days are weirder than others.
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disasters, mistakes and failures | trampoline stuck on a road sign | car parked under a leaky cover frozen with water

Misfortune Monday: Life Is Uncertain

Things go wrong a lot.
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card trick magic show

Penn And Teller Get Fooled By Awesome Card Trick

Magic is fun.
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Entitled manipulative son cancels mom's job interview and tries to sell her house so he can live rent free at college | Posted by u/Aita333645__ AITA kicking my son out my house after he cancelled my job interview? Not hole Please hear out first single mom (45 20 year old son (Chris) Chris is college. He studies engineering. Being single mom at young age not easy Despite everything been through. Despite my own family giving up on made sure my son got life he deserves

Manipulative Son Tries To Sell Mom's House, Cancels Her Job Interview

Whoa buddy that's a lot to unpack.
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