rare moments that go against the odds | My cat went missing 2 days, so put an advert on Facebook. Literally 5 mins after my cat comes door. 30 mins later, my neighbour comes and drops off he thought my cat. Now have two identical cats. | pole going through a car window and barely missing the driver

Rare And Well-Timed Moments That Went Against The Odds

Roll those dice.
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Tourists describe their favorite experiences with American food. | Allydarvel 2d Buffalo wings. Just loved sauce, and contrasting blue cheese dip. Also some cajun breakfast New Orleans. Game sausages cajun tomato sauce with eggs and suchlike Oh, can't forget Gualadajara skillet Chicago..all my workmates took piss cos kept going back diner

Tourists Favorite American Food Experiences

Those diners though.
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bad airline manager fires employee and tries to make them work | Posted by u/geddes_thesea 1 day ago 52 37 E10 Next week going fire oc M Worked shitty airline company. Let's just make up name United Blairlines. At this company they started smaller company could hire and train people run planes, but pay them way less at certain airports. Where my colleagues at other airports were making over $20/hr getting paid $10.25 same- and sometimes more- work honestly would scare know little people who are

Incompetent Manager Tries To Make Employee Work After Firing Them

Fantastic idea, sir.
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Multiple senior network engineers are unable to resolve CEO's easily fixable tech issue. | Rule Zero Long 's an average post-holiday weekday afternoon at my work, which means am mostly hanging out, answering various questions our first line contact, clarifying department rules and updating procedures am also checking up on various ancient work orders gathering dust our queue, usually lack customer or management response, and indiscriminately nuking ones can close due lack customer response while

Senior Network Engineers Fail To Follow Rule Zero, Company Wastes Thousands Of Dollars

Rule number zero, or don't trust the customer.
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creations that are skillfully made but weird and bad taste | road map carpet inside a car | porta potties stacked on top of each other and wrapped in Christmas lights

Impressive Creations Of Questionable Taste

Yeah, no, it's uh... good.
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Woman returns a passive aggressive cookbook that she got from her husband. | AITA wanting return cookbook my husband got and refusing cook my husband and first got married did most cooking also working less hours. Then had kids and stay-at-home mom, so just made sense. However, once our kids reached elementary age re-entered workforce. This time, my workload doubled tried at first cook every night, prep advance, etc. but at end day exhausted shared this with my husband and he agreed help with

Woman Returns "Passive Aggressive" Cookbook From Husband

Perhaps a bit of a pointed holiday gift.
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bad and dumb money advice people got | kor_hookmaster 32.9k points 19 hours ago One my uncles once told never really had pay my phone bill. He suggested simply jump another carrier and let first company cut off. His life has turned out exactly as imagine.

The Dumbest Financial Advice People Have Gotten

Don't do this.
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Groom's sister tells fiancée to cover up scars, and then gets uninvited from the wedding. | r/AmltheAsshole Join u/617097713_ AITA uninviting my sister my wedding she told my fiancèe? Not hole My M27 fiancèe F25 has an obvious permanent burnscar an accident caused her mother (her only parent pass away injury. My fiancèe had long recovery 's been 7 years scar is on her collarbone goes down her chest but isn't showing. Unless she's wearing scoop/square tops.

Groom's Sister Tells Fiancée To Cover Up Scars, Gets Uninvited From Wedding

Zero chill.
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things that look like food but aren't | Zachary D Long @invadingduck found them Frosted Mega Wheats. | forbidden pizza rock shaped like a pizza slice triangle with crust

Stuff That Look Like Tasty Food But Isn't

So close!
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Employer thinks they're above the law and an employee shows them otherwise. | Arthur need come on Sunday Try Jesus.please don't try don't understand are lead engineer Try Jesus..please don't try Cus are talking about, are coming or not Try Jesus..please don't try Cus

Boss Thinks They're Above The Law, Man Shows Them Otherwise

People just love to get mad at someone else.
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chess master Levy Rozman awesome video

Chess International Master Levy Rozman Destroys Blatant Cheater

Don't play games with the master.
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funny video of guy impersonating dinosaur

Man Impersonates Dinosaur, Should Be In Next Jurassic Park

The man has a gift.
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cringey video of a karate guy failing to chop coconuts

Karate Guy Attempts To Chop Coconuts On Live TV, Fails Ensue

Ouch, ouch, ouch.
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A collection of tall people problems that tall people can relate to. | man sitting on a chair with his feet on the chair in front of him | person driving a car with his head poking out of the sunroof

Tall People Problems From The World's Giants

Those spiderwebs though.
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Speech-language pathologist helps out kid in need during flight. | Rachel R. Romeo @RachelRRomeo just had such an affirming experience. On my 8hr intl flight back conference sat next father/son broken English father began apologize/ warn his ~10 yr-old son had severe nonverbal autism, and this would like be difficult journey. 1/ 2:59 p.m 28 Aug. 19 Twitter Web App

Twitter Thread: Speech-Language Pathologist Helps Out Kid In Need On Flight

A trip right to the feels factory.
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tumblr thread on plague village that isolated itself | -even-is-thiss keep hate-reading plague literature medieval era, but as depressed as makes there is always one historical tidbit makes feel little bittersweet and like revisit s story village Eyam even-is-thiss Eyam today is teeny tiny town less than thousand people has barely grown since 1665 its population around 800. Where story starts with Eyam is August 1665 village tailor and his assistant discovered bolt cloth they had bought London

Tumblr Thread: The Plague Village That Pulled a Bro Move

Well that's a solid.
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