Marshawn Lynch interview football legend

Flashback Fail: Marshawn Lynch's Legendary Interview

Well said.
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Karen has a complete meltdown over an Air Pods gift. | have HUGE PROBLEM! Umm hello? Emergency over here need attention extremely upset. lis Hey sorry on call, couldn't get phone is everything okay?

Karen Has Complete Freakout Over Air Pods Gift

Air Pods Pro and nothing less for Karen.
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The most hypocritical behavior that people ever witnessed. | StandCroissant 2d 1 Award My girlfriend criticises always being on my phone yet is seemingly unaware much she is on hers.

Most Hypocritical Behavior People Witnessed

Hypocrites are the worst.
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Kid's dad passes away, kid discovers dad's notebook, and then a feels trip ensues. | Like, Anonymous 1 hour ago 46515536 1474820705804.jpg (23.3 KB, 242x206) 1 REPLY ears Rain, Sco0 >Born year 1993 >Mother abandoned at birth >22 year old father abandons all his dreams raises alone >times are tough as fuck as he has juggle work and whenever he has free time play vidya together move old nintendo and shit WoW raiding and so on

Kid's Dad Passes Away, Kid Discovers His Notebook, Feels Trip Ensues

Right in the feels.
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villagers pull truck from gorge

Villagers Summon Strength to Pull Truck From Gorge

Now that's some community.
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Norweigan bus driver sings when he thinks he's alone on the bus

Singing Bus Driver Thinks He's Alone

He's making full use of that intercom.
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funny chess game trash talk

Chess Grandmaster Plays NYC Trash Talker

Not what he was expecting.
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funny video of a cockatiel bird singing ringtones

Angry Cockatiel Sings Apple Ringtone

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Dude sends fan mail to Marvel comics, and dad assumes that his kid got published. | r/tifu Join u/grapejuicecheese 11h 1 1 1 1 2 14 26 3 23 2 22 1 TIFU by sending fan mail Marvel Comics M So this happened mid 90's. Spider-man knee deep middle clone saga, one most controversial story arcs comic history. As 12 year old kid loved And after reading latest issue decided send letter Marvel. E-mail not as widespread back then, so printed out my letter and my mom took post office send .

Dude Sends Fan Mail To Marvel Comics, Dad Assumes They Got Published

At least he's an incredibly supportive dad.
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The most obvious scientific conclusions people ever witnessed. | DoctorSneak• 3h Most sharks attacks happen shallow water close beach. Makes sense as 's where all people are.

Most Obvious Scientific Conclusions People Witnessed

Yay, science stuff.
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Man tells girlfriend that she doesn't work hard enough for her salary. | r/AmltheAsshole Join u/throwaway862610 1d 2 1 AITA being frustrated my girlfriend doesn't work hard at her job and gets paid nearly twice as much as do? Asshole My girlfriend and both work tech, she's safety validator software, working at consulting firm, and doing network infrastructure support both worked different offices didn't know much about her day day life at work knew she made lot more than 120k my 66k, and she

Man Tells Girlfriend She Doesn't Work Hard Enough For Salary

Definitely not the move, my dude.
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cab driver listens to his mother's song

Cab Driver Finds Mother's Song After 20 Years

This stuff warms the soul.
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decorating brother's room as a little girl's pink room | You know, I'm lazy to change this That is real issue...

Little Bro Alters Older Bro's Facebook Profile, Older Bro Redecorates His Room

Sibling rivalry at its finest.
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guy uses laser pointer to make crows fly off.

Dude Gets Rid of Annoying Crows With Laser Pointer Trick

Just make sure not to hit a plane.
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pastor floats into church and gets stuck

Pastor Floats To Podium On Fly System, Gets Stuck

Someone wasn't ready.
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People's most effective life hacks for their bodies. | WeAllHaveOurMoments 22h 1 Award Splashing cold water on face triggers mammalian dive response, which instantly lowers BPM and blood pressure s not just movie trope panicking character bathroom actually works and is sometimes even utilized emergency rooms

People's Best Body Life Hacks

Take that, body.
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