funny, bad and dumb advice | Chess tip: Always sit opposite mirror so can sneak look at opponent's pieces | Tech tip people who aren't as tech-savvy as press h button on keyboard get lower-case h. But if want an upper-case h? Easy! Just go wikipedia page on horses, copy upper-case h and paste into document. Problem solved W Article Talk WIKIPEDIA Free Encyclopedia Horse Fi py Ctrl+C Search Google H" Main page Print. Ctrl+P tion Contents

Stupid Life Pro Tips That Are Bad Ideas at Best

They're kind of bad ideas!
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Company insists on server not being fixed, so a massive fallout ensues. | r/talesfromtechsupport Join u/MorpheusJay 1d 3 3 S 7 1 8 1 Don't want fix servers? Fine. Long First time posting this sub. Cross-posting because told might enjoy this. Background some time around 2000 worked major finance/brokerage company department.

Company Insists On Server Not Being Fixed, Massive Fallout Ensues

It was bound to shake out like this.
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not my job moments | Repair guy did this combat overheating punching holes in a computer | sign billboard MY BOSS SAID PUT SOMETHING UP

Unprofessional "Not My Job" Moments of Failure

Looks good enough.
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An entitled dude demands a textbook and doesn't ever realize that he's the problem. | Hey, just quick question, do have book out library?

Entitled Man Demands Textbook, Has No Idea He's The Problem

The cluelessness is astounding.
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mother in law rejects new grand kids, leaving them out of family photo album | Posted by u/Aita9190773 1 day ago O 2 3 e18 S 16 E 40 AITA walking out with my girls my MIL excluded them family photo album? Not hole 36-mother two girls (9/5 met my now fiance (38) 2.5 years ago. He's good man, Treats my girls well and loves them. future mother law is generous lady truth be told. His family are respectful and helpful visit them lot. After got engaged pretty much considered this my extended family.

Mother-In-Law Excludes Step-Grandkids From Family Photo Album

And here comes the drama.
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photos, tweets and stories of kids being strange and dumb people | turing-tested one my cherished childhood memories is eating ungodly amounts pine needles before gym class make myself sick so didnt have particpate, like didnt even occur just pretend be sick just went 'yes. eating pine needles is only option' turing-tested my second favorite thing about this is literally no one stopped everyone could see picking off pine needles and eating them like delicate snacks and then getting sick but

Clear Signs That Kids Are Weird and Stupid

What a dysfunctional group of people.
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Entitled people and their demands | Anonymous asked Politics Government Law Ethics 1 decade ago Can make male baby sitter pay child support single mom going college with my sister currently rent an apartment together couple weeks ago asked my neighbor trustworthy guy, if he could watch kids two hours while went class and my sister wasn't home, and he agreed. If he babysits and doesn't accept pay, can sue him child support because he took on fatherly role sure can convince court

Entitled Folks with Their Outlandish Demands

It never gets any better.
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job interview red flags that show that the workplace is bad | DragonsLoooveTacos 3 days ago 4 3 2 This actually happened Interviewer: Do have any questions us is challenge this department has recently faced? Interviewer: Job security

Biggest Red Flags People Got During Job Interviews

Sometimes the position isn't worth it.
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Tumblr discusses the nine types of movie posters | catchymemes Seems like Disney is using same guy graphics department. ALADDIN DARK PHOENIX STAR WARS thegaysassyfrenchy deadass thought this 3 Star Wars movies. metalgirlysolid its called Color Theory and been knew Art is subjective" but there are certain "rules can follow make things more appealing subconscious/subliminal kind way

Tumblr Uncovers the Nine Types of Movie Posters

Gotta go with either sexy legs or blurry thriller cop.
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Entitled family member drops in out of the blue and expects earrings back from years ago. | Hi have two gold earrings gave long time ago actually feel guilty giving them because they are inky memory have my uncle who gave them If dont wear do still them anymore, can have them back, as would like keep them and not sure why even gave them or did lend them

Family Member Expects Earrings Back From Years Ago, Reality Check Ensues

It was over 10 years ago.
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An informative Tumblr thread on baby oarfish escalates very quickly. | mischief7manager digitalrabbit asked: Hey heard giving out anxiety, can have 1 anxiety please? biggest-gaudiest-patronuses answered: yes, here is baby oarfish

Tumblr Thread On Baby Oarfish Escalates Quickly

Now that's a big boy.
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A collection of the best bad ideas that people committed to anyways. | ZurEnArrhBatman 19h S 2 Awards high school and had my own job buy things with decided would buy 4L pail ice cream 2L bottle W root beer and make giant root beer float then proceeded eat/drink entire thing over course hockey game did not throw up but definitely did not feel like eating supper night.

The Best Bad Ideas People Committed To

Destined for doom from the very start.
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technically right true | bundyspooks 1970s: Satanic cult attempt possess car. hellotailor isn't sort easy possess car. like just inhabit physically and then make do whatever want. | OVER SEVEN CAUSTOMERS SERVED SINCE 1998

Technically Accurate Moments That Are Hard To Argue With

They're not wrong.
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A collection of the most obvious lies that people were ever told. | lurkity_mclurkington co-worker told my own story back as his own. Twice.

Most Obvious Lies People Were Ever Told

They're only fooling themselves.
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An entitled Karen assumes that customer works at store, and then learns otherwise. | r/IDontWorkHereLady Join u/throwralco 3d 1 Just take warm winecoolers and go, Karen. XL excited type this story, so my apologies if 's all over place dealt with Karens before, but not like this never thought l'd encounter one wild. Last night took trip my local liquor store get some bourbon my apartment admit l'm there often employees are cool, lowkey, and most importantly they don't judge frequent visits pick

Karen Assumes Customer Works At Liquor Store, Reality Check Ensues

Karen definitely thought wrong.
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funny history memes, stories and moments | thatsbelievable Follow Best Gorilla Joke 1897 Gorilla: Did hear about gorilla who escaped zoo? Zookeeper: No did not. Gorilla is because am quiet gorilla Muffled sounds gorilla violence angelnumber27 Follow people 1897 were mentally 2030 | mygoodbabushka 1930, Helene Adelaide Shelby patented an apparatus obtaining criminal confessions police put suspect into darkened chamber where they are confronted by human skeleton with glowing red eyes questions the

Funny History Memes and Moments That Put Things In Perspective

History is weird. People are weird.
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